Bachelor of Commerce Co-op, Business Economics and Law • University of Alberta
Wenhui graduated from the University of Alberta with a Commerce Bachelor’s degree majoring in Business Economics and Law. Throughout her undergrad, and with the intention to broaden the span of her knowledge base, she explored a vast variety of courses ranging from Linguistics and Philosophy to Human Geography and Real Estate besides her required course schedule. She exhibits an early sign of interest in sustainability via volunteering with Sustain SU in her junior years, an initiative to promote sustainability on campus, in facilitating the Bike Library and Reusable dish program. She identifies herself as an adventurer and risk-taker and enjoys setting exciting goals and take steps achieving them.
During her school years as an intern, Wenhui joined a local construction company that was in the early stages of experimenting with modular container homes. After learning the general practices of the industry in a conventional sense, she was assigned to coordinate the remainder of the modular home project until completion. In the duration of the project, she travelled oversea with the team to meet the manufacturer and had the opportunity to oversee the production process. Having witness the entire production and assembly process, handling the logistics, and working with the City of Edmonton for permits and utilities connections, she started to question whether the initial economic, social, and environmental benefits were actualized. But she did not have the proper tools and specialized knowledge to answer this question. Therefore, she decided to return to school and learn more about the science and research that would guide her further in answering her questions and hopefully, she could contribute meaningfully to resolving similar questions.
Wenhui enjoys experiencing new things, doing new sports, travelling to new places, preferably with a smaller group. In the past two years, she picked up snowboarding, golfing, hiking, kayaking, and she’s set out to try more. Despite her interest in nature, she is also a private person who likes to reflect inward by reading, tidying up her mental and physical space, and sometimes just go with her impulses.
Wenhui's MScSM Internship: Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.

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Wenhui's Research Poster

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