Bachelor of Science, Applied Biology • University of British Columbia
Mariana graduated in 2019 from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Applied biology. Majoring in food and Environment, Mariana focused her studies on sustainable agriculture. Through her studies, she developed an interest in environmental management techniques and how they contribute to creating sustainable food systems.
Since graduating, Mariana has worked as an Imagery data technician at a precision agriculture company. As part of the Insect pest management team, Mariana has helped growers in the western USA and some western European countries by identifying and evaluating their pest pressures remotely. During her studies in her undergrad, Mariana worked as a research assistant at the sustainable agriculture lab at UBC collecting soil samples from farms across the lower Fraser valley for spatiotemporal analysis of land use land cover and soil organic carbon in order to evaluate the best management practices. Through her work, she has worked with a variety of growers to help them manage their resources in the most efficient way.
During her spare time, Mariana enjoys traveling, experiencing new places, cultures, and especially new foods. She also enjoys using her downtime to sew, knit, and crochet clothing for herself, her friends, and family.
Mariana's MScSM Internship: Fairmont Royal York

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Mariana's Research Poster

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