Athletic Therapy at UTM
At the University of Toronto Mississauga, Athletic Therapy Services are available to all registered students for the assessment and rehabilitation of sport and physical activity related injuries. The Athletic Therapy Centre is located in the RAWC and is managed by UTM’s Rehabilitation & Fitness Specialist.
What is Athletic Therapy?
Athletic Therapy is a health care profession specializing in the prevention, assessment and care of musculoskeletal injuries with a focus on athletics and the pursuit of physical activity.
Athletic Therapists provide assessments and treatments of a multitude of injuries utilizing acute injury care, therapeutic modalities, manual therapy, and strength and conditioning work with the goal of returning the patient back to pre-injury levels of activity or athletic competition. Athletic Therapists are trained in the assessment and recognition of signs and symptoms, as well as the management of mild traumatic brain injury and sport related concussions.
Athletic Therapists are also known for their abilities in response to injuries or emergency situations in a sport setting and providing on-site assessment and care.
For more information on Athletic Therapy at the University of Toronto Mississauga or to inquire about an appointment, please contact:
Chris Kelly
Rehabilitation & Fitness Specialist
Department of Recreation, Athletics & Wellness
Tel: +1-905-569-4725