RAWC Member Information
Students are our priority
At this time, registered U of T students have access to RAWC programs and facilities. This membership gives access to our state-of-the-art Fitness Center group fitness classes, UTM Intramurals, Drop-in Sports, squash courts, tennis courts and beach volleyball.
As we prepare for a safe and gradual return to campus, RAWC memberships will return in stages. UofT Staff & Faculty memberships are now available. Please visit our Membership Types page for more information. Community members will be welcomed back at a future date. This page will be updated with information on community and alumni memberships at that time.
Hours of Operation
Click here to see our Hours of Operations
Please note: There are times when the hours are restricted or limited due to exams, maintenance, and the December holiday closure. Please note that refunds or membership extension will not be given for these closures/ restricted hours. Our webpage is updated regularly for any changes in operating hours.
Parking is not included in the Membership Rate. At this time, members can purchase parking at the Pay and Display or online at utm.utoronto.ca/parking. Pick up at the Parking Office on the next business day, or at UTM RAWC on request by emailing rawcwelcome@utoronto.ca
Payment can be made by debit card, VISA, MasterCard or American Express.
Frequently Asked Membership Questions
For more information, please visit the RAWC Welcome desk or email us at rawcwelcome@utoronto.ca
All registered U of T students who have paid their tuition and incidental fees in full have access to the RAWC facilities and drop-in programs. No additional fee is required.
Incidental fees towards a membership at the RAWC are non-refundable.
Towel service is complimentary to all RAWC members. Three hour lockers are available for complimentary use in all change rooms. Members may also rent a locker for $14/month. Locks not cleared following the locker rental period, or end of day for 3-hour lockers, will be cut and a $10 locker clear-out fee will be charged.
There is no trial period offered by the RAWC. Before buying your membership, experience the RAWC using a Day Pass Membership to see if it is the right fit for your needs.
A maximum of three trial days are available to all appointed staff and faculty that are eligible to purchase the University’s Joint Membership Plan through HR. If you have questions about purchasing a membership through the Joint Membership Plan, please email hrserv.utm@utoronto.ca
During the calendar year, students and community members can gain access up to 2 times without their TCard or Membership Card. If there is no photo on your file, you may be asked to provide a government issued photo ID during check in to receive a temporary pass for the day.
Once you have used 2 temporary passes, you will not be able to access the RAWC without your TCard or Membership Card for the remainder of the calendar year.
We will not be accepting photos of T-cards/membership cards as a means to access the facility. Everyone accessing the facility must have their physical card on them at all times – there are no exceptions to this policy.
- For Community Member membership, Seniors memberships, U of T Contract Employee memberships, and U of T Non-registered Student (summer) memberships:
- Send an email to rawcwelcome@utoronto.ca requesting your membership be cancelled. Please indicate clearly the specific date on which you would like your membership to end.
- Cancellation requests submitted no later than 10 days after purchase will receive a refund for the purchase price with no administrative fee applied to the refund. After the 10-day cooling off period, an administrative fee of $25 will be applied to membership cancellation refunds. All refunds will be prorated for the number of active days remaining in the membership period.
- For U of T Staff/Faculty Joint memberships:
- Staff members may cancel their membership as of June 30th by submitting a Joint Membership Election Form to their Divisional HR Office for processing on or before June 15th.
- U of T Student memberships paid through incidental fees cannot be cancelled.
Government identification and other supporting documents to prove membership eligibility ie. U of T Postdoc students must show Letter of Offer or Acceptance.
Please bring a lock to secure your belongings. The RAWC is not responsible for any lost/stolen belongings.
Please bring appropriate footwear and clothing for the activities you will be participating in, ie. non-marking, closed-toe athletic shoes, bathing suit etc.
Please bring a smile as a photo will be taken for your RAWC membership card.
All RAWC members receive complimentary towel service, access to all of our facilities, group fitness classes, drop-in sports, aquatic programs and fitness centre. Please note: the UTM Intramural league and Tri-Campus Sport league is available to UTM and U of T students only. Please visit the UTM Sports page to learn more.