Validator Support

Validator Support. 4 students at an outdoor booth.

Become a validator for 2022-2023 by completing the Validator Interest Form.

A validator is a U of T staff or faculty member who gives recognition to students on the CCR for completing a CCR recognized activity that they oversee. Staff and faculty can serve as validators for student groups. In this role, validators meet a three times a year with the student group to ensure they complete the CCR recognition process. 

Check out our Guide for Validators of Campus Organizations to learn about resources available to validators and more detail on the expectations of validators.

Resources for Validators


The benefits of being a validator for student groups are that you:

  • support student leaders' growth and development
  • assist students in developing transferrable skills
  • support students in leading events/initiatives aimed to benefit UTM and the community at large
  • support the student group in a field of your choice
  • as faculty, can have this opportunity support your PTR letter

Timeline of Tasks

The following chart provides a quick overview of the key dates and tasks as a validator for student groups.

OctoberMeet with the student group to discuss their goals for the year. The group is required to complete and submit the Group Goal Setting Document.
FebruaryMeet with the student group for a mid-year check-in to see how they are progressing with their goals.

Meet with the student group to reflect on the successes and challenges the group experienced throughout the year. Validators lead this reflection meeting. If you need support with this, contact our team and see our resources Designing and Structuring Reflection and Reflection Prompts and Questions

The group will provide you with one Validation Checklist, and each member will provide you with their Individual Tracking Template. These documents are required for group members to receive CCR recognition.

April - JuneValidate the student group members who completed their role and submitted the required documents.


For additional validator support, contact the CCR Team by reaching out to:

Laura Walkling 
Student Engagement Coordinator, Leadership, Mentorship & the Co-Curricular Record