Order a Transcript Online
You can order an eTranscript online through your ACORN account for a fee. eTranscripts are typically processed and delivered within 30 minutes.
Alumni without a UTORid can place their order through the eTranscript ordering site. Transcripts will not be released if you have any financial holds on account. If you have a clear balance, you must provide a credit card number.
Full details can be found on the University Registrar’s Office website.
UTORid Support
If you do not remember your UTORid or password, please visit utorid.utoronto.ca for online self-service support.
Alternatively, you can visit the Information & Instructional Technology Help Desk with valid government issued photo identification for assistance.
Important Information
Once a course has been completed, it cannot be removed from your transcript. Students may submit a petition for Late Withdrawal Without Academic Penalty (WDR) if they are able to demonstrate that extenuating circumstances occurred (e.g. death in family, serious illness) and that they have not completed the course (i.e., written the final examination or completed the final major assignment/test in courses without a final exam).
Petitions for removal of a completed course are not normally granted. If you wish to proceed, follow the instructions for petitioning and be sure to attach clear and concise documentation to support your case.