Cancelling Registration

There may be circumstances that require you to drop all of your courses for the session you are enrolled in (Fall-Winter or Summer). If this is the right option for you at this time, you can drop all of your courses (including waitlisted courses) and cancel your registration on ACORN as soon as possible.

Wherever possible, you should do so by the last date to drop courses without academic penalty so that your courses are removed from your transcript. Please review our important dates and deadlines, and the U of T refund schedule.

As you prepare for your absence, you must also:

  1. pay all outstanding fees;
  2. return any books to the Library and pay any outstanding fines;
  3. vacate any laboratory or athletic lockers and return any university equipment in their possession.

Important Considerations

  • Not attending classes is not the same as cancelling your registration. If you remain enrolled in a course, you will still be given a mark based on work submitted and missed assignments will be marked accordingly. A final grade will appear on your transcript.
  • If you are a newly admitted student who cancels their registration without earning at least 0.5 credit, you will need to reapply for admission in order to return to your studies.
  • Cancelling your registration will trigger a full or partial refund of incidental/ancillary fees if you do so within the appropriate time frames. Full details can be found on the Student Accounts website.