Extension of Time Beyond the End of Term


The last day of the regular final examination period.

When term work is not completed by the end of term or if a department refuses a request for an extension by the end of term, then students may consider submitting a petition for an extension of time beyond end of term. Students are advised to continue working on the outstanding term work while the petition is under review.

Students are required to provide a reason why course work was not completed or why special consideration is being requested to submit course work beyond the end of the regular academic term. Students are expected to follow the department’s policy regarding missed term work. The instructor/department can grant extensions up until the end of the examination period. Petitions submitted after the last day of the examination period may not be considered without justification.

Instructors have the authority to grant an extension of time for students to submit completed term work before the end of the examination period. The student is expected to consult the instructor about a proposed deadline before petitioning for an extension of time. The student must consult the instructor about a proposed deadline to submit the course work and is expected to continue to work on assignment(s) while awaiting the decision.

Term work special consideration requests are handled by the course instructor or academic department advisor. Students should follow the missed term work policies in their course syllabus. Instructors have the authority to grant extensions of time for term work that will be completed up to the end of term (the last day of the regular final examination period). However, instructors are under no obligation to grant such requests for extensions if they judge there are insufficient grounds.

Matters involving term work such as the organization of a course, grading practices or the conduct of an instructor are not petitionable. These matters fall under the authority of the department offering the course and should be raised with the instructor or the departmental office.

When a petition for an extension of time in a given course is granted, an "SDF" notation is assigned in place of the original grade on a student’s transcript. Courses with the notation SDF are not included in grade point average calculation. If the student does not hand in the term work by the deadline, the "SDF" notation will be replaced by the original grade with a grade of "0" for the term work in the calculation of the final grade. If a petition for a further extension is granted, the SDF notation will remain on record until the term work has been graded and the amended grade has been approved.