Leave of Absence for International Students

International students may request to take a leave of absence for one term (Fall or Winter), or one academic session (Fall-Winter) for a maximum of two consecutive academic years.

If you are an international student contemplating taking a leave of absence, you must consult with an International Student Immigration Advisor first from the International Education Centre.


  • must have completed at least one academic term (e.g., Fall or Winter)
  • must have an academic status of in good standing or on academic probation. Students who are on suspension or have been refused further registration are not eligible.
  • you are experiencing serious health, personal or family issues; issues related to child birth or child care; military service.

A Leave of Absence will not be approved for newly admitted (first year or transfer) students who have not yet begun their studies at UTM and are advised to consider deferring their admission.

Important considerations:

  • Students may extend an approved leave up for a maximum of two years. Extension beyond two consecutive years will not be approved.
  • Students may elect to continue the leave beyond two years; however, the continuation of the leave will not be documented as an Approved Leave of Absence.
  • Students do not pay tuition or incidental fees for the period covered by the leave. While on an approved leave, students are not permitted to register for courses, use university student services, participate in student internships, or undergraduate research. They are not eligible for scholarships or awards.
  • Students who have obtained approval for a Leave of Absence under this policy is not exempt from academic deadlines, financial responsibilities, current or future policies, and fees schedules.