Missed an event? Catch up on the info now with full recordings of our most recent webinars!

Program Selection Workshop (1 hour, 14 min.)
Learn how to choose your program(s), the difference between Type 1, 2 and 3 programs, when to request your programs, and tips on how to make the most out of your CGPA. We also explore the connection between your program and career interests. (Co-presented with the Career Centre.)
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Considering Alternative Programs (1 hour, 29 min.)
Have you changed your mind about your programs of study? Think you do not meet the requirements for your original choice? This webinar will help you plan your next steps and develop strategies to help you reach your academic and career goals.

Making the Grade: Success Strategies to Achieving Your CGPA Goals (1 hour, 9 min.)
Learn "life hacks" for creating smart study plans, managing your time effectively, leveraging UTM resources to improve your study skills, and protecting your CGPA. (Co-presented with the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre.)

Preparing to Graduate (39 min.)
Almost ready to graduate? Learn how to confirm your degree and program completion, determine your next steps for graduation, and identify possible options for the time after you graduate (e.g. job search or further education). (Co-presented with the Career Centre.)

Getting Back on Track (1 hour, 2 min.)
Have you previously been placed on probation or suspension? Do you think you are at risk of probation? This workshop is designed to help you understand what it means and what you need to do to get back to good standing. (Co-presented with the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre.)

First Year Success:
Academic Planning 101 (1 hour, 41 min.)
As you prepare for your first year at UTM, set yourself up for success! In this workshop, the Office of the Registrar's Academic Advising team discusses next steps towards enrolling in your programs of study (POSt), managing your CGPA, planning your time as a student, accessing important campus resources, and more.
Video Modules
Explore a specific topic with these shorter-form videos, all under 10 minutes long.

Program Planning
Explore UTM's program options and learn about the process of selecting your program of study (or POSt), typically done after first year.

Course Enrolment
Preparing to select your UTM courses for the first time? Check out our full YouTube playlist on course planning, or sample a key topic below:
- Choosing Courses (9 min.)
- Your U of T Degree (9 min.)
- Understanding the Academic Calendar (7 min.)

Financial Aid Essentials
Get familiar with some of the financial aid tools that can help you navigate the fee payment process.
- Introduction to Fee Deferral (4 min.)

Student Tips
Get practical advice on academic life! Our Peer Leaders are here to introduce you to some of the many great resources available from the Office of the Registrar, and beyond.
Looking for more content? Visit youtube.com/UTMRegistrar for a full video library of resources, tutorials, and past presentations.