The Psychology Minor, Major, and Specialist programs offer different levels of concentration in all core areas of psychology including research methods and statistics. Psychology is a broad discipline that includes the life sciences, social sciences, as well as cognitive science.
Honours Bachelor of Science
Program Plans
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- Psychologist
- Psychotherapist
- Social worker
- Professor
- Writer
Admission Requirements
Regional Requirements
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Sample Courses
Students learn about the measurement of personality, biological and social causes of human diversity, and the influence of personality on major life outcomes.
What makes people happy? Does money buy happiness or do unhappy people not know where to shop? This course reviews the scientific evidence regarding these and other questions.
The objective of this course is to review what relationship science can tell us about close relationships, with a particular focus on romantic relationships.
Other Programs to Consider

Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the structures and functions of the brain and nervous system. Students will have the opportunity to combine knowledge of behavioural, physiological, and cellular/molecular processes through lecture and laboratory courses, and to carry out research projects with faculty members.

Exceptionality in Human Learning
Exceptionality in Human Learning is an interdisciplinary program that provides different levels of concentration in human development (typical and atypical), abnormal behaviour, and disability issues. The specialist program culminates in a Praticum in Exceptionality which provides excellent preparation for students interested in graduate studies.

Biology is the study of living organisms and involves observation and analysis of the tree of life. The foundation of biology is based upon the core concepts of evolution: natural selection and specialization. The study of biology is applicable to such major problems as conservation, overpopulation, pollution, medicine and disease.