Special Consideration Request Application
Click on "Instructor Access" within the SCR application.
Special Consideration Request Application
SharePoint sites (formerly wiki)
We use SharePoint sites to host information about departmental administrative processes for faculty and instructors. These sites replace our former wiki. You must have a UTORid and password to access the SharePoint sites.
UTM Anthropology Instructor Resources
- The Instructor Resources SharePoint site is for faculty, lecturers, instructors, and staff in the UTM Department of Anthropology.
- Resources include an action checklist, important dates, our syllabus template, information about classrooms, offices, department meetings, and more.
- If you are new to the UTM Department of Anthropology and will be teaching a course with us, departmental staff will inform you via email when you have access to the site.
UTM Anthropology Permanent Faculty Resources
- This SharePoint site is for permanent faculty in the UTM Department of Anthropology.
- Here you will find resources for curriculum, finance, hiring and PTR, as well as links to webforms, expense forms, sample documents and letterhead.
If you have questions about accessing these sites please email communications.utmanthro@utoronto.ca.