Frequently Asked Questions

The information on this page is intended for questions about UTM Anthropology undergraduate courses and programs only.

View questions and answers about:

UTM Anthropology Courses

UTM Anthropology Programs

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Missed tests and assignments

What do I do if I miss a test or assignment in my Anthropology course at UTM?

Please see the Special Consideration for Missed Work page for instructions on what to do if you miss a test or assignment deadline for a UTM Anthropology course.

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I want to to take a UTM Anthropology course that indicates "or permission of department" as a possible prerequisite. How do I request "permission of department" for a course that specifies this as a prerequisite option?

Please send an email from your U of T email account to UTM Anthropology's Academic Advisor & Undergraduate Program Administrator at to request "permission of department". Include the course code and title for the course that you wish to enrol in.


I want to take a UTM Anthropology course but I do not have the prerequisite. Can I contact the instructor or petition to take the course without the prerequisite?

Please do not email your instructor or the Chair. The department sets the prerequisite requirements based on careful, long-term consideration of the background essential for the course. Letting in students without this background affects the teaching and learning environment for all members of the course.

The Department of Anthropology’s policy on handling requests for approval to take courses without the prerequisites is as follows:

If students do not have the prerequisites, we will accept formal petitions for the course, only if there is space in the first week of classes. We will not accept petitions prior to that date, or if the course is full, because we must be fair to students who do have the prerequisites and who have been planning to take the course. Do not expect a response if you submit your request before the first day of classes or if the course is full.


I’ve been removed from a UTM Anthropology course because I do not have the prerequisite. I heard that some students can take a course without the prerequisite. Is this true?

Please do not email your instructor or the Chair. The department sets the prerequisite requirements based on careful, long-term consideration of the background essential for the course. Letting in students without this background affects the teaching and learning environment for all members of the course.

The Department of Anthropology’s policy on handling requests for approval to take courses without the prerequisites is as follows:

If students do not have the prerequisites, we will accept formal petitions for the course, only if there is space in the first week of classes. We will not accept petitions prior to that date, or if the course is full, because we must be fair to students who do have the prerequisites and who have been planning to take the course. 

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Course selection

Can you advise me on what courses I should take for an Anthropology major or specialist program at UTM?

Make sure to review the requirements for completion of Anthropology programs as well as the requirements for completion of degrees on the UTM Academic Calendar prior to selecting your courses.

You can also view our guide to recommended courses by field of interest and planned career streams when choosing among the many upper-level courses offered. (Note: these are not required courses for the degree, but are recommended by faculty as key courses for students interested in pursuing fields of interest as careers or for graduate study). 

Remember, not all upper-year courses are offered every year, and also remember to take the required prerequisites you need for upper-year courses.

If you have questions you can request an appointment with the Anthropology Academic Advisor & Undergraduate Program Administrator.

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Blocked Enrolment

I was trying to enrol in an Anthropology course at UTM (e.g. ANT200H5F) but it says that my enrolment is blocked when I put in into my enrolment cart. I have all the prerequisites for this course so I don't understand why I can't enrol in it. Is there a mistake?

No, there is no mistake as to why you are blocked from enroling in a particular Anthropology course.

The U of T Timetable Builder has information about who is allowed to enrol in a course and when. Priority is given to students who require this course (e.g. ANT200H5F) to fulfill their program requirements. These students are given the choice to enrol in this course first so that they are not wait listed. If you are not active in one of the programs that require this course, you will not be allowed to enrol in it until a later date.

Check the "Enrolment Controls" section (in red) under your course to see why you are blocked and at what date you may be able to enrol. Different courses have different enrolment controls so you need to check for each course.

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Departmental approval to enrol in special topic courses

I want to enroll in an Anthropology course at UTM (e.g. ANT430H5 and ANT431H5) but it says that I need "departmental approval". How do I get that?

For the special topic courses ANT430H5, ANT431H5, as well as ANT432H5 and ANT433H5, be sure to click on “details” from the timetable to see the course title, description and prerequisite requirements. Enroll in the course as you would all other courses through ACORN. There is no additional requirement to receive departmental approval. If you are enrolled in the course and meet all requirements, you are successfully enrolled.

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Equivalent courses at St. George and Scarborough campuses

Which Anthropology course at the U of T St. George campus (UTSG) would be acceptable for my Anthropology program at UTM?

In the UTM Academic Calendar, Anthropology courses listed as exclusions are considered equivalent and can be used to fulfill UTM Anthropology program requirements.

Not all academic departments would treat exclusions as equivalent so it is best to check with each department about equivalencies.


Which Anthropology course at the U of T St. George campus (UTSG) is equivalent to ANT204H5 (UTM course)?

At UTSG, the course ANT207H1 - "Core Concepts in Social and Cultural Anthropology" is considered equivalent to ANT204H5 - "Sociocultural Anthropology" (at UTM) and would be acceptable in fulfilling program requirements.

NOTE: the UTSG course ANT204H1 - "Social Cultural Anthropology and Global Issues" is not equivalent to the UTM course ANT204H5 - "Sociocultural Anthropology".


I want to take some courses at the U of T St. George and/or U of T Scarborough campus. What courses are offered this year that I can use towards fulfilling my program requirements at UTM especially the upper year 3rd and 4th year courses?

All ANT courses from the other U of T campuses can be used towards fulfilling UTM’s program requirements. Please take note of the question above with regards to ANT207H5 which is unique to only UTM.

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ISP100H5 - Writing for University and Beyond course requirement for Anthropology programs

I heard that the requirements for Specialist and Major Programs in Anthropology changed in 2020-2021 and we have to take a new writing course. Do I have to take this new writing course?

For students entering Specialist or Major Programs in Anthropology in 2021-2022 (and beyond): You will need to take the new required course ISP100H5. See the detailed program entry requirements in the current UTM Academic Calendar. Since this is a UTM campus-wide program requirement, exceptions of waiving this entry requirement will not be considered.


I heard that the requirements for Anthropology programs changed in 2020-2021 and we will have to take a new writing course. I am finishing up a few more courses to complete a Minor in Anthropology. Do I have to take this new writing course?

No. If you are doing a Minor in Anthropology, then you do not need to take the new writing course (ISP100H5) because ISP100H5 is required only for the Major and Specialist programs. See the UTM Academic Calendar for details.


I will be a first year student at UTM starting this fall, and interested in maybe doing a Major or Specialist in Anthropology. What courses should I take in my first year?

Be sure to take the new writing course ISP100H5 in addition to the first year Anthropology courses (ANT101H5 and ANT102H5). See our Course Selection page for information on first year courses for Anthropology programs. You should also review the detailed program entry requirements in the UTM Academic Calendar.

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Formal petitions

What is a formal petition (for the Department of Anthropology)?

A formal petition is a written request clearly stating in detail the purpose of what the student is requesting.

Formal petitions can be submitted using our online form. Note that this is different from the Office of the Registrar’s petition process.

We will do our best to reply to requests in a timely manner, however please allow decisions to take up to two business days on average. 

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Undergraduate Academic Advising

How do I make an appointment to see the Anthropology Academic Advisor?

View the Academic Advising page to learn how to submit a request for an advising appointment with the UTM Anthroplogy Academic Advisor & Undergraduate Program Administrator.

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I would like more information on possible career paths or graduate school related to Anthropology. How can I get more information?

Please visit our Careers page and our Career Advising page. Note: when there are no Career Advising appointments available with faculty, you may request to meet with the UTM Anthropology Academic Advisor & Undergraduate Program Administrator instead.

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Prospective and high school students

I am currently a high school student. Can I apply for an anthropology course?

High school applicants would apply to the University of Toronto Mississauga into an area of study in the Life Science or Social Science area. Once you are accepted into university and selecting your first year courses at UTM, be sure to select ANT101H5, ANT102H5, and ISP100H5 (at UTM), or equivalent. At the end of your first year of studies at UTM, you will select your program (Major in Anthropology or Specialist in Anthropology). 

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