The cost is covered by OHIP (or provincial equivalent) or UHIP for most appointments at the Health & Counselling Centre.
Cards must be shown at each visit. If no card is presented you will be invoiced for the visit.
Insurance Cards
- OHIP - An Ontario Health Card (OHIP) (or provincial equivalent) is required for all physician appointments. Please make sure your card has not expired.
- UHIP - University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is required by all International students at UTM for all physician appointments. This card expires each year in August and a new one is issued in the fall. New cards are available online - more information is available on the Centre for International Experience's (CIE) UHIP webpage.
Uninsured Services
View our price list for birth control, common vaccines, miscellaneous tests and other uninsured services.
Health & Dental Plan
Your Health & Dental Plan is provided by your student union, and details differ depending on your student status. Please contact your student union for further information or find the links to individual plans below.
- Full-Time Undergraduates: UTMSU - This health care plan is provided by Green Shield Canada. Please see Green Shield for detailed information.
- Part-Time Undergraduates: APUS - This health care plan is provided by Green Shield Canada. Please see Green Shield for detailed information.
- Graduate Students: UTGSU - This health care plan is provided by Student Care Canada. Please see the Student Care for detailed information.