These recipes are specially developed for students who are looking for easy-to-prepare, budget-friendly and nutritious meals and snacks to make themselves. If you are new to cooking... don't worry! All the recipes have detailed instructions and use only ingredients that are easy-to-find and familiar to most. The recipes have all been taste-tested by UTM Registered Dietitian, Kimberly Green, and are rated as both "healthy" and "yummy". So, go ahead and START COOKING!
Lunch & Light Meals
Snacks & Treats
Almond/Peanut Butter Apple Slices
Salads & Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes 4 Ways |
How Tos
The Ultimate UTM Student Cookbook
The Ultimate UTM Student Cookbook Part 1: Savoury
The Ultimate UTM Student Cookbook Part 2: Sweet
More recipies coming soon -- we're still in the kitchen taste-testing. Nom nom nom.