Rong Wu

Rong Wu’s career path has education and technology written all over it, bringing with her a whole new level of learning and experience to the UTM Research Office. As the Internal Competitions & Events Coordinator, Rong oversees internal funding competitions, internal awards and the coordination of Research Office events.

A U of T Master of Information Studies graduate, Rong was the Program Assistant for the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation on the St. George campus and was also employed at the Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement prior to joining the Research Office. Rong also served as the Learning Technology Liaison at Ryerson University, providing training for educational technologies such as Blackboard, Wiki, Tablets and Clicker, and she has worked at the Toronto Public Library.

True to her academic nature, Rong enjoys learning every chance she gets outside of the university, whether it’s through activities she undertakes with her two young children, or taking up new skills in the areas of crafting or baking.
