Honours & Awards

UTM’s Office of the Vice-Principal, Research is proud to support research, teaching, service across our Division. We encourage nominations for internal and external awards and are committed to recognizing and celebrating the scholarly achievements of our faculty. Learn how our team can help.


Current Opportunities

Candidates from the UTM research community are being sought for the following award opportunities:

The Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prizes are awarded annually to two people, one in the arts and the other in the social sciences and humanities, who have distinguished themselves through their outstanding achievements. The prizes are intended to encourage continuing contributions to the cultural and intellectual heritage of Canada.

How to Nominate

Nominations are accepted annually, and may be submitted by any individual. Candidates may be nominated for two years with the same nomination package, if the nominator provides written intent of resubmission along with an updated CV.

This year, internal nominations for the Molson Prize are invited for optional institutional review alongside submissions for the SSHRC Impact Awards. An internal review panel of representatives from relevant disciplines will reflect on the submitted candidates and will recommend possible nominations for the Molson Prize. This process aims to identify strong candidates, but is not required to submit a nomination for the prize. 

To participate in the internal process, please:

  1. Submit an online Expression of Interest by May 22, 2024.
  2. Submit the two-page internal nomination form and the candidate’s CV to vpri.awards@utoronto.ca by June 12, 2024.

SSHRC Impact Awards: Five awards (Gold MedalInsightConnectionPartnershipTalent) that recognize outstanding researchers and celebrate their research achievements in all research areas of the social sciences and humanities.

How to Nominate

The University of Toronto may nominate one candidate annually for each of the SSHRC Impact Awards. An advisory committee of representatives from across the social sciences and humanities reviews internal nominations to select the University's nominees each year. Academic divisions may also set their own internal deadlines and review processes.

This year, internal nominations for the SSHRC Impact Awards and the Molson Prize will be reviewed simultaneously. To submit a candidate for consideration, please complete the following steps:

  1. Consult with the candidate’s divisional/faculty awards coordinator or officer to identify any internal deadlines and review processes specific to their academic division or department.
  2. Submit an online Expression of Interest by May 22, 2024.
  3. Submit the two-page internal nomination form and the candidate’s CV to vpri.awards@utoronto.ca by June 12, 2024.

The Killam Prizes are intended to honour distinguished Canadian scholars who have been engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions.
They are awarded annually, on a competitive basis, for research done in any of the following disciplines (Normally, 1 prize is awarded each year in each of the 5 disciplines):

• humanities
• social sciences
• natural sciences
• health sciences
• engineering

The Killam Prize is valued at $100,000.

Deadline: (anticipated) May 31, 2024

A Dorothy Killam Fellow is a leading researcher whose superior, ground-breaking, best-in-class research stands to have significant impact on a national or global scale. The Dorothy Killam Fellowships are valued at $80,000 CAD per year for a total of up to $160,000 for 2 years. A Dorothy Killam Fellow is relieved of teaching and administrative duties for the period of the fellowship.

Deadline: (anticipated deadline): June 14, 2024



The Steacie Prize is a Canadian award of $10,000 presented once a year to a scientist or engineer of 40 years of age or less for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada.

Deadline: August 31, 2024



These two-year, $75,000 fellowships are awarded yearly to early career researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.

Deadline: (anticipated deadline): September 13, 2024



Please see Award Opportunities for a complete list of current and archived awards.




OVPR Awards & Honours Support


Award Coordination

OVPR is happy to support the coordination of award nominations for UTM faculty. This includes internal and external awards, tri-agency and discipline specific awards. We rely on departmental involvement to help identify qualified individuals and/or disciplinary level awards. If you are interested in awards, please speak to your Chair or reach out to us directly (Self-Nomination Form) for more information.  


Award Information and Benchmarking 

OVPR award tip sheets and guidelines (available in Resources) will be circulated to department Chairs and available on our website approximately four months prior to an award deadline. OVPR will, upon request, support nominations by benchmarking potential nominees to recent award winners and by providing career trajectory advice and logical award ladders.  


Equitable and Transparent Selection Processes

OVPR is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion and maintaining a supportive and inclusive culture surrounding award nominations. We will support all qualified individuals for award nominations and provide unbiased and high-quality support to all UTM candidates. If you are interested in a particular award, you can self-nominate on our website, and we will work with you to help find a suitable nominator, if required. In addition, if you have any feedback on how to make our process more equitable or inclusive, please contact us.  


Divisional Review Process

The divisional review process is designed to support and provide feedback for individuals being nominated for selected major awards. The process is designed and managed by OVPR and generally includes editorial review of the draft nomination material and help with identifying strong referees. We are also happy to offer support to any UTM candidates for disciplinary level or other awards on an ad hoc basis. 


Recognition & Celebration

OVPR strives to recognize and celebrate outstanding UTM faculty members who have obtained honours, awards and distinctions to encourage a positive award culture at UTM. Recent award winners will be featured on our UTM Awards Winners page and promoted through social media and UTM communications. If you would like to be featured on our page or in our communications, please use the Award Reporting Tool.





Reach out to get started:
Stefanie Bernaudo, PhD
Strategic Research Development Officer