There are many ways you can explore careers on your own. Here are some ideas:
- Do our online “Know Yourself” module to identify some broad areas you are interested in
- Read our new Industry Reports to get a general idea of career areas
- Look at our Careers By Major for your program and for other programs too
- Conduct some informational interviews with industry professionals
- Attend networking nights and panels offered by the Career Centre; look at what’s available at St. George as well!
- Come into the Career Centre for assistance with any of this
Know Yourself Online Module
“Know Yourself” “is an interactive self-assessment module, which can help you better understand yourself and the career options you might want to pursue. Read the reflections from UTM alumni and learn more about Career Centre resources. You will look at your career vision, motivators, skills and learn how to bring all these together. Many students will use this module as they work with a career counsellor. Feel free to do the module exercises and bring them into a career counselling appointment. Each exercise takes about 15 minutes to complete; take your time and don’t feel you have to do it all in one sitting.