Thank you for considering hosting a job shadow student! You’ll find lots of information below about being a host, our goals, and the logistics around the placement. If you have any questions or would like to be added to our contact list, please email the Team Lead, Partner Relations for Experiential Learning at jelena.vulic@utoronto.ca.
What is a job shadow?
Job shadow is a model of experiential learning whereby students gain a first-hand look at a work environment within an industry. During this experience, students engage with professionals/hosts who can help in their academic decision-making and career planning. Job shadow connects students with employers in a meaningful way and provides an opportunity to test-drive a career and get a sneak peak at what life might look like post-graduation.
Benefits to becoming a host
- Opportunity to look at your job from a student’s perspective and rediscover the excitement that led you to pursue the career;
- Give back to the community as an experienced professional who can offer valuable advice to students starting their career;
- Promote your organization and share your personal career story with enthusiastic U of T students;
- Network with bright U of T students and get exposure to recent grads in the same field;
- Get a heads up on recruiting and talent scouting and be able to showcase upcoming volunteer or employment opportunities;
- Make connections with staff at UTM to build future partnerships;
- Increase your brand’s presence on campus!
What kinds of career paths are UTM students interested in?
- Business (Finance & Administration; Human Resources)
- Physical Rehabilitation (physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage therapy)
- Education (Advocacy/Outreach, Teaching, Administration)
- Manufacturing (Supply Chain & Quality Control)
- International Development
- Social Work (Corrections, Counselling, Support Services)
- Non-profit Activism, Community Development, Fundraising
- Communications (Marketing, Public Relations)
- Government (Immigration, Research, Policy)
- Performance Arts (Composition, Music Therapy, Set Designer, Producer, Director)
- Healthcare (Clinical, Community, Hospital, Alternative health care)
How do I host a job shadow student?
We have created a streamlined process to help make participating in the Job Shadow Program easy. If you are interested in participating, please contact jelena.vulic@utoronto.ca for more information.
What does a job shadow day look like?
The goal is to provide students with an authentic experience in a work environment, so you can design the day as you see fit based on your role and the needs of the organization. Three main areas that should be covered include an introduction to your organization, interaction with some of your colleagues/employees, and a chance for students to ask questions about your work, education and career path. Participating hosts will receive a comprehensive logistical e-mail.
Do I get to choose which student will shadow me?
UTM staff will evaluate applications and assign students to hosts.
My organization often deals with client confidentiality/confidential documents. Can students sign any type of non-disclosure agreement?
It is best to proceed with your office policy regarding documentation your organization requires for a student visit. You may want to plan a student’s visit so that it will not interfere with any confidential matters but still allow them to experience the workplace. In our preparatory sessions, we highlight the importance of respecting confidentiality and discretion.
Do I need to provide lunch, transportation, or parking?
Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to cover costs associated with their placement. However, if you would like to provide assistance, you can communicate directly with the student while planning their visit.