Build a Strong Employer Brand


Stand out to our top talent by building and maintaining a strong presence on campus. Contributing to the career education of students improves your brand awareness and makes your organization more attractive to potential candidates.


Get Hired Fair

Get Hired Fair

Tap into the elite University of Toronto candidate pool and connect with students and recent graduates from all areas of study, including Business, Computer Science, Life Sciences, and Arts. Promote your organization and the available opportunities at our Get Hired Fair, offered every September and January.

Educational Events

Networking Events

Throughout the academic year, we hold a variety of educational events with industry professionals, including career panels, industry talks, conferences, and networking. Having a member of your staff participate to offer insight into their career and industry, give advice, and inspire our students is an effective way to improve your brand awareness and motivate students to apply to your organization.

EDI Breakfast

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Breakfast

Connect with equity-deserving students, promote your brand and diversity initiatives, and increase your talent pool by participating in our annual Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Breakfast – an exclusive opportunity for employers with proven commitment to diversity and inclusion.

In The Field

In The Field

Host a short site visit at your office to connect a group of students and recent graduates with professionals working in a variety of occupations within your organization. Showcase your divisions and inform the attendees on your work environment, daily tasks, skills and education requirements, as well as application process for each occupation.

Job Shadow Program

Job Shadow Program

Play an active role in educating students about your industry and workplace by having a member of your staff participate in our Job Shadow Program. This experiential learning opportunity helps students in their academic decision-making and career planning by connecting them with professionals and allowing them to explore various career fields.

LinkedIn Photo Day

LinkedIn Photo Day

The Career Centre provides students and recent graduates with the opportunity to have professional headshots taken for their LinkedIn profiles. Connect with the attending students and promote your organization and employment opportunities by becoming a recognized event sponsor.

Student Groups

Student Groups

UTM has over 140 recognized student clubs and academic societies. Connecting with them can be an excellent way to promote your organization. 


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Get in touch to partner with the UTM Career Centre