Our team is committed to assisting you in developing an impactful on-campus recruitment strategy to attract the right candidates to your organization. Explore some of the ways you can recruit University of Toronto Mississauga’s diverse students and recent graduates.

Get Hired Fair
Tap into the elite University of Toronto candidate pool and connect with students and recent graduates from all areas of study, including Business, Computer Science, Life Sciences, and Arts. Promote your organization and the available opportunities at our Get Hired Fair, offered every September and January.

Job Board
Reach over 80,000 students and recent graduates from all three University of Toronto campuses by posting on our self-serve job board on CLNx. Post unlimited full-time, part-time, summer, and paid internships, and volunteer opportunities free of charge.

Information Session
Attract University of Toronto talent by hosting a virtual or an in-person information session tailored to your recruitment needs. Showcase your organization in an interactive way, identify potential candidates through networking, and increase your brand’s recognition on campus.

Recent Graduate Opportunities Program
The Recent Graduate Opportunities Program (RGOP) is an 8-week career preparation boot camp that helps recent graduates and final year students learn to tell their stories to employers. By participating in the program, you will receive a Resume Book and an invitation to participate in an exclusive Meet the Employers networking event, where you will have the opportunity to scout talent for the various roles you're hiring for while building your brand amongst recent graduates of the university.