Resources for Parents and Families

Post-secondary education is exciting, challenging and expensive for students and their families alike. The UTM Career Centre offers many resources and services to assist students as they navigate their way through the years they will spend at UTM to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and set their career goals.

We suggest making an appointment with a Career Counsellor early on to discuss how the courses they take, together with their accumulated academic, volunteer, extracurricular and work experience, best prepare students for their future.

Encourage your student to keep informed about what’s happening on campus by viewing the Career Centre Events Calendar. Here you’ll find information about the Get Hired Fair, Graduate and Professional Schools Fair, workshops and opportunities to meet with employers, such as networking panels and information sessions.

Review some of our career planning resources with your student such as:

  • Careers by Major, which offers insight into the types of work students can pursue based on their program of study
  • Career Cruising, an extensive compilation of occupational descriptions, sample career paths, earnings and more (accessible through the Resources tab on the left menu bar on CLNx)
  • Review the list of workshops offered by the Career Centre
  • Programs such as the Job Shadowing Program allow students to experience a workplace and provides opportunities to speak to professionals

For students seeking employment (part-time throughout the academic year, summer work, and work after graduation) the Career Centre offers workshops on job search, networking and has an online job board.

We also offer support in preparing resumes and cover letters with the online Resume and Cover Letter Toolkit, Resume and Cover Letter workshop, and resume and cover letter critiques.

Students can prepare for an upcoming job interview by attending an Effective Interviews workshop and practice your interviewing skills by booking a mock interview with an Employment Strategist.

We encourage all UTM students to visit the Career Centre to make use of the career planning and job search resources in our Career Resource Library (DV 3094).

updated August 3, 2022