Above and beyond: faculty and staff honoured at second annual IMI awards ceremony

Sarah Jane Silva

IMI Faculty + Staff Awards 2017

Photo credits: Keith Nablo, Ryan Cerrudo

Now in its fourth year, the Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI) hosted its annual awards reception at the Glenerin Inn in Mississauga on June 22.

Meant to applaud the contributions that faculty and staff make on a daily basis within their respective programs, it was an evening of acknowledgement and recognition for both nominees and award recipients.

“This team works so well and it’s what makes IMI great,” Donna Heslin, director of graduate programs and external relations at IMI, told the assembly, which included award winners, nominees, their families and coworkers. “Students come here for internationally recognized faculty members, and the staff support that we provide; it’s what contributes to the success of our programs and our students.”

Interim director of IMI, Pierre Desrochers, was also acknowledged for his many contributions and pushing forward initiatives throughout the year. “The one thing I’ve learned over the last academic year is that IMI really has an embarrassment of riches in terms of both faculty and especially staff.”

This year 16 people were nominated under four categories, and seven were chosen as the award recipients.
Meet the 2017 IMI Faculty and Staff Award winners:

  • IMI Faculty Award Recipient 

Louis Florence, director of undergraduate programs; associate professor, teaching stream (finance), Department of Management

This faculty member will have significantly enhanced the overall support, learning and/or engagement of students and/or faculty within the Institute for Management & Innovation.  This may be at an undergraduate or graduate level.

  • IMI Research Award Recipient

Sonia Kang, assistant professor (organizational behaviour & HR management), Department of Management, IMI

This faculty member will have been recognized for a significant research/scholarly contribution to their discipline. This contribution could be but is not limited to an original published work or key research contributions deemed innovative in nature.

  • IMI Staff Award Recipients

Carol Solonenko, events coordinator, Department of Management, IMI

Debby Keown, program officer, Master of Forensic Accounting

This staff member will have significantly enhanced the overall support, learning and/or engagement of students, staff and/or faculty within the Institute for Management & Innovation.

  • IMI Team Collaboration Award Recipients

Alberto Galasso, outgoing director, associate professor (strategic management), Master of Management of Innovation

Beate Ensminger, program coordinator, Master of Management of Innovation

Afrodite Cruz, recruitment, placement and employment relations officer, Master of Management of Innovation

This team of two or more members can include any balance of faculty and staff (up to four (4) members). They will have collaboratively introduced and implemented a new program, product, or initiative that has significantly enhanced the overall support, learning and/or engagement of students, staff and/or faculty within the Institute for Management & Innovation.