Sarah Sharma's headshot

Sarah Sharma

Professor & Director, ICCIT

Programs: CCIT, Graduate Appointment at Faculty of Information, Affiliated Faculty Women and Gender Studies Institute

Specialization: Feminist Technology Studies, Media Theory, Time Studies

Sarah Sharma is a Professor of Media Theory and Director of the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology (ICCIT) at the University of Toronto. Her first book In the Meantime: Temporality and Cultural Politics (Duke UP, 2014) challenges the popular sentiment that the world is ‘speeding up’. Working against this myopic focus on speedup, the book introduces a new approach to time called ‘power-chronography,’ locating the ways in which temporality operates as a key relation of power structured at the intersection of a range of social differences and technologies. Her edited volume (with Rianka Singh) Re-Understanding Media: Feminist Extensions of Marshall McLuhan (Duke UP 2022) highlights her time as director of the McLuhan Centre between 2017-2022. Sarah is currently working on a new book (tentatively titled Broken Machine Feminism) on the topic of technology and the gendered politics of inclusion, escape, and repair.