Chris Koenig-Woodyard
Room:MN 5252
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Teaching and Research Interests
18th-21st-century literature; the gothic and Monster Studies; Transatlantic Romanticism and Victorianism; Genre Studies; Role-Playing Games and Game Studies; poetry and poetics; the novel; Pop Culture Studies; Television and Film Studies; music and literature; Persona Studies
Chris Koenig-Woodyard teaches eighteenth to twenty-first century literature, with a focus on genre (from the fantastic to the realistic). He is the co-editor of Transatlantic Romanticism: An Anthology of American, British, and Canadian Literature, 1767-1867; ‘Sullen Fires across the Atlantic’: Essays in British and American Romanticism; a special issue of Romanticism on the Net on "Transatlantic Romanticism"; and a special issue of the University of Toronto Quarterly on "Monster Studies." He is a contributing editor and writer to the six-volume series The Broadview Anthology of British Literature and The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Poetry. He has published on British, American and Transatlantic Romanticism; the pedagogy of literary studies; the digital humanities; the novel; comic books, gender, genre, politics, and race; and the gothic. His current research focuses on Posthumanism and Monster Studies, and he is the founding Director of the Monster Studies Lab. He is a recipient of an Undergraduate Teaching Award at the University of Toronto, and has been a nominee and finalist for TVO’s Best Lecturer competition, a Leadership in Faculty Teaching award (Province of Ontario), and the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (UTM). An Interview with Dr. Koenig-Woodyard about teaching at UTM. (Photo Credit: Samira Karimova)
Courses Taught
ENG110Y Narrative
ENG201Y Reading Poetry
ENG202Y Major British Authors
ENG202H British Literature in the World I: Medieval to Eighteenth-Century
ENG203H British Literature in the World II: Romantic to Contemporary
ENG204H How to Read Poetry
ENG210Y The Novel
ENG234H Children's Literature
ENG235H Comics and Graphic Novels
ENG237H Science Fiction
ENG237H Fantasy and Science Fiction
ENG238H Fantasy
ENG239H Horror Literature
ENG239H Fantasy and Horror
ENG277H Bad Romance
ENG301H Making Love in the Sixteenth Century
ENG308Y Romantic Poetry and Prose
ENG314H Austen and Horrid Novels
ENG314H William Blake
ENG315H The Brontës & Their Afterlives
ENG316H Marjorie Liu: Monsters and Comics
ENG316H Stranger Things and the Gothic Tradition
ENG316H Sick Books and Bodies: Pandemic, Viruses and Literature
ENG316H Dungeons & Dragons and Role Playing Games
ENG316H Taylor Swift: Gender, Genre, and Celebrity
ENG322Y Fiction before 1832
ENG323H Austen and Her Contemporaries
ENG324Y Fiction, 1832-1900
ENG325H The Victorian Novel
ENG366H Contemporary Theory and Criticism
ENG371H Pop Romance: Austen and Her Successors
ENG371H Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian Literature
ENG382H Contemporary Literary Theory
ENG383H Lord Byron and Lady Gaga: Celebrity, Persona and Genre
ENG385H Early Romantics
ENG385H British Romanticism, 1770-1800
ENG386H British Romanticism, 1800-1830
ENG386 Late Romantics
ENG390Y/391Y Individual Studies
ENG399H Research Opportunity Program
ENG451Y The Vampire
ENG462H Horrid Novels
ENG473H Monsters & Monstrosity (Dorian Gray, Jekyll and Hyde, and Dracula)
ENG490Y Independent Study
"Monsters, Mutants, and Mongrels: The Mixed-Race Hero in Monstress." Mixed Race Superheroes. Eds. Eric Berlatsky and Sika Dagbovie-Mullins. Rutgers University Press, 2021. 138-57.
"The Bone Clocks and the Mud of Humanity: The Anthropocene Bildungsroman." David Mitchell: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Eds. W. Knepper and C. Hopf. London, Bloomsbury: 2019. 149-63.
"The Mathematics of Monstrosity: Vampire Demography in Richard Matheson's I am Legend." University of Toronto Quarterly. Special Issue: Monster Studies. 87.1 (Winter 2018): 81-109.
"The Typography (and Grammatology) of the Monstrous." University of Toronto Quarterly. Special Issue: Monster Studies. 87.1 (Winter 2018): 1-8.
"'Lovie—is the vampire so bad?’: Posthuman Rhetoric in Richard Matheson's I am Legend." The Posthuman Gothic. Ed. Anya Heise-von der Lippe. Cardiff: University of Wales, 2017. 77-92.
"Anthologizing and Teaching Transatlantic Literature." Teaching Transatlanticism: Resources for Teaching Anglo-American Print Culture. Eds. Linda K. Hughes and Sarah R. Robbins. Edinburgh University Press, 2015. 55-69.
Editorial Work
Contributing Editor, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Age of Romanticism. 3rd ed. General Editor: Joseph Black et al. Broadview, 2018.
Contributing Writer and Editor, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Concise Edition, Volume A. 3rd ed. General Editor: Joseph Black et al. Broadview, 2017.
Contributing Editor, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century. 3rd ed. General Editor: Joseph Black et al. Broadview, 2016.
Contributing Editor, The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Poetry. General Editor: Joseph Black et al. Broadview, 2016.
Contributing Editor, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: One-Volume Compact Edition. General Editor: Joseph Black et al. Broadview, 2015.
Contributing Editor, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Medieval Period. 3rd ed. General Editor: Joseph Black et al. Broadview, 2015.
Contributing Editor, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Concise Edition, Volume B.
3rd ed. General Editor: Joseph Black et al. Broadview, 2014.
Co-editor with Joel Pace and Lance Newman. Transatlantic Romanticism: An Anthology of American, British, and Canadian Literature, 1767-1867. Longman, 2006.