Teaching and Learning Funding

Learning and Education Advancement Fund (LEAF)

Deadline for Expressions of Interest: August 31, 2022

Amount of funding: Seed Grants ($5000-10,000 per year, up to three years); Impact Grants ($10,000-100,000 per year, up to three years)

Short Description: The Learning and Education Advancement Fund (LEAF) program aims to provide a two-tiered system of funding for teaching and learning projects that explore, implement and scale up promising practices at different stages of their development and implementation. The program creates a pathway for projects from their initial inception to their full potential.

UTM/UofT contact: Andrew Petersen (Andrew.Petersen@utoronto.ca), Acting Associate Dean, Pedagogical Development and Scholarship

Application Information

UTM Undergraduate Research Grants

Deadline for Applications: October 25, 2022; March 14, 2023

Amount of funding: Up to $500 per student to support undergraduate research initiatives.

Short description: Grants are provided for student-initiated research projects, which are related to their degree programs and are supervised by UTM faculty members. The project may be conducted within the context of an independent study course but need not be. For example, students may wish to engage in further research on certain themes that they have examined in one of their seminars or advanced courses.

UTM/UofT contact:  Anna Reale (anna.reale@utoronto.ca), Office Supervisor, Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean.

Application Information 

Instructional Technology Innovation Fund (ITIF)

Deadline for Applications: Requests for Letters of Support by late October

Amount of funding: Seed funding up to $2,000; matched funding up to $5,000

Short description: ITIF grants provide opportunities for technology-mediated teaching and learning projects that explore and implement promising practices at different stages of their development and implementation and creates a pathway for projects from their initial inception to their full potential. The Fund is designed to catalyze initiatives that immediately and directly impact University of Toronto education and teaching programs through innovation and development. 

UTM/UofT contact: Consultations about projects are encouraged prior to finalizing the proposal. Email a draft proposal submission to Anna Reale (anna.reale@utoronto.ca), Office Supervisor, Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean, to set up a consultation with the Associate Dean, Pedagogical Development and Scholarship.

Application information 

Graduate Education Innovation Fund (GEIF)

Deadline for Applications: November 1, 2022; April 3, 2023

Amount of funding: Seed funding up to $5,000

Short description: The goal of the GEIF program is to advance excellence and innovation in graduate education through greater exposure to innovative educational practices within and across programs and curricula, including both the classroom, practica, and field settings. Proposals that accomplish at least one of the following themes are invited: experiential learning; interdisciplinary learning; technological innovation; Indigenous ways of knowing; diverse cultural perspectives; decolonization, anti-oppression, and anti-racism; professional development; public scholarship.

UTM/UofT contact: Vina Goghari (sgs.vdeanprograms@utoronto.ca), Vice-Dean Research and Program Innovation, SGS. Potential applicants are encouraged to register for an informational session on September 29 from 3-4 pm: https://utoronto.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYufuGsqTwrGNxopB1RzmPPphpAwZ2gxlUy.

Application information

Experiential Learning Development Grant (ELDG)

Deadline for Applications: November 21, 2022

Amount of funding: Up to $5,000

Short description: UTM faculty scheduled to teach courses during the Fall 2022, Winter 2023, or Summer 2023 terms may apply for one-time funding of up to $5,000 per project to support the short-term development and implementation of EL opportunities in their courses. Funding can be used towards a variety of purposes, for instance hiring research assistants to support course planning; purchasing equipment, consumables, or software licenses; covering group transportation or registration costs for field experiences; and other expenses downloaded to students that would normally be listed as an ancillary fee.

UTM/UofT contact: Rena Banwait (rena.banwait@utoronto.ca), Director, Experiential Education & Community Engagement UTM

Application information

CIHR and SSHRC Undergraduate Research Awards for Black Students 

Deadline for Applications: March 28, 2023

Amount of funding: Successful students will work for 16 weeks over the summer under the supervision of a faculty member. USRAs provide $6,000 with a match required by the institution. 

Short description: In order to address systemic barriers and make Canada’s research culture more equitable, diverse, and inclusive, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) have introduced the Undergraduate Student Research Award program (USRA) for Black students, modelled on NSERC’s USRA program. Successful students will work for 16 weeks over the summer on a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. At present time, these awards are exclusively open to Black student researchers.  The University of Toronto can award 4 SSHRC Black Student USRAs and 9 CIHR Black Students USRAs this summer.  

UTM/UofT contact: Rong Wu (rong.wu@utoronto.ca), Internal Competitions and Events Coordinator, Office of the Vice-Principal, Research  

Application Information 

UTM Teaching Development and Innovation Grant (TDI)

Deadline for Applications: November 21, 2022; May 29, 2023

Amount of funding: Up to $5,000

Short description: This grant is intended to fund projects related to enhancing teaching and learning in an existing course, such as implementing and assessing the effectiveness of a pedagogical innovation.

UTM/UofT contact: Andrew Petersen (andrew.petersen@utoronto.ca), Acting Associate Dean, Pedagogical Development and Scholarship

Application information 

UTM Teaching & Learning Conference & Colloquia Fund (TLCC)

Deadline for Applications: November 21, 2022; May 29, 2023

Amount of funding: Up to $1,500

Short description: The TLCC provides a maximum of $1500 towards the organization of teaching & learning focused conferences or colloquia at UTM.

UTM/UofT contact: Andrew Petersen (andrew.petersen@utoronto.ca), Acting Associate Dean, Pedagogical Development and Scholarship

Application information

UTM Teaching Development Travel Grant (TDT)

Deadline for Applications: November 21, 2022; May 29, 2023

Short description: The TDT provides a maximum of $2000 for a UTM instructor to present at a pedagogical conference or in the pedagogical track at a disciplinary conference. This can be applied to both in-person as well as remote conferences.  

UTM/UofT contact: Anna Reale (anna.reale@utoronto.ca), Office Supervisor, Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean

Application information


Jackman Scholars-in-Residence (SiR)

Deadline for Applications: November 23, 2022

Amount of funding: $2,000 in research funds and RA support

Short description: SiR is a 4-week research residency for upper-year undergraduates who work for 20 hours/week on faculty-led research projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences. SiR provides the student RAs with stipends; residence and partial board (for in-person projects); and a program of research-focused workshops, excursions, and roundtable discussion

UTM/UofT contact: Ira Wells (ira.wells@utoronto.ca), SiR Project Manager

Application information  

University of Toronto Teaching Fellowships

Deadline for Applications: January 2023

Amount of funding: Two half-course releases, $10,000 to support graduate Research Assistants, and $5,000 for professional development and further project support (over a two-year period)

Short description: The University of Toronto Teaching Fellowships provide faculty members in the Teaching Stream with an opportunity and resources to engage in a two-year pedagogical project of direct benefit to students in a defined area of institutional priority. Through its focus on supporting pedagogical innovation and scholarship through evidence-based practices and engagement with research on teaching and learning, the program promotes the emergence of educational leaders within the Teaching Stream.

UTM/UofT contact: Inquiries about the UTTF should be directed to: Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education (awards.provost@utoronto.ca)

Application information