The University is dedicated to helping you reach your potential as an instructor at UTM. You have access to a wide range of resources for teaching development both here and on the St. George campus.
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Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre
The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre provides faculty, teaching assistants and librarians with advice and assistance in faculty development, curriculum development, assessment techniques, instructional design and other matters related to advancing the teaching agenda of the University of Toronto Mississauga. It also serves as UTM's centre for academic support for students as they enhance their academic skills. The double mandate of the Centre to assist faculty and students provides a unique opportunity to align the teaching and learning needs of college.
Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation on the St. George campus provides many electronic resources as well as offerings in seminars and individualized support. You may find information on topics such as assigning and grading student work, assessing students, effective practices in support of student-faculty interaction, teaching small- and large-sized classes, writing instruction, course design, identifying and discouraging plagiarism, and much more. CTSI also provides faculty with support for teaching portfolio development.
UTM Teaching & Learning Collaboration
The Teaching and Learning Collaboration (TLC) aims to connect colleagues with a shared interest in teaching and learning in order to advance teaching practices at UTM. By fostering a culture of teaching excellence and innovation, we hope to enhance student learning across the UTM campus. Here, you can learn about Teaching Communities of Practice, Seminars and Workshops, Grant Opportunities, and other Resources.
Quercus at UTM
The U of T Mississauga Library provides UTM campus leadership for Quercus (Canvas) and related instructional technology tools available at the University of Toronto. We support the UTM campus community in using many educational technologies for remote and in-person learning and provide consultation regarding evidence-based practice. The most significant area of technology leadership is in supporting the University's learning management system, Quercus (Canvas), for which the Library provides expert assistance (email utml.instructech@utoronto.ca or submit an Instructional Support ticket in the UTM Service Portal for help). More information is available on the UTM Library & Instructional Technologies website.
UTM Information & Instructional Technology Support
Information & Instructional Technology Services (I&ITS) provides faculty with assistance in classroom technology (e.g., podiums, projectors, and microphones) and multi-media services in addition to support in areas of instrumentation and electronics, video conferencing, telecommunications, WebCasting among others.
Academic Integrity at UTM
Advocating academic integrity is one of our most important roles as educators. At the beginning of every term we need to take the time to discuss integrity and our expectations for truth and honesty with our students. The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters outlines the range of activities that constitute academic misconduct and the procedures for dealing with them. You should review Section B to understand your role in the Code.
As our students do not always fully understand what contravenes the Code, you should be proactive in addressing this topic in your class and syllabus and strive to create conditions that minimize academic misconduct. The University has many resources, such as the handout, “How Not to Plagiarize”, Turnitin.com (a program to help detect and deter plagiarism) and many examples of best practice for deterring cheating in tests and exams.
Feel free to consult with your departmental Chair/Director or Lucy Gaspini, Director, Academic Success & Integrity, Office of the Dean or call (905) 828-3964 for more information. You may also visit the Univeristy of Toronto-Mississauga Academic Integrity website.
Course Evaluation Framework at UofT
The University of Toronto Mississauga course evaluation framework incorporates:
- institutional and divisional guidelines for the development, administration and use of course evaluations; and
- flexible, customizable evaluation forms that combine core institutional questions with the ability for instructors, units and divisions to add additional questions relevant to their particular teaching context.
Important Links:
- Online Course Evaluation Step-by-Step Guide for Faculty
- Policy on the Student Evaluation of Teaching in Courses
- UTM Guidelines & Procedures on the Student Evaluation of Teaching in Courses (updated version to be released)
- Overview of Course Evaluation Framework at UTM
- Instructor Tips: Talking to Student About Course Evaluations
Graduate Teaching
The School of Graduate Studies provides the guidelines for graduate faculty appointment. Graduate Supervision Guidelines document contains information on faculty rights and responsibilities as full, associate or emeritus members of the graduate faculty with respect to supervising students, serving on thesis committees, and teaching graduate classes.