
Research and study leave for faculty members is governed by Article 4 of the Memorandum of Agreement.

1. U of T Memorandum of Agreement

Faculty members wishing to apply for research and study leave must submit their request in writing to their Chair  by October 31 of the preceding academic year. The recommendation of the Dean to approve the request should be given to the faculty member and submitted to the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life no later than December 31. Final confirmation from the Provost’s Office will be given by March 31.

For full details and information on leaves and options, please click the link below:


Faculty at UTM wishing to apply for Research and Study Leave, must submit the Research and Study Leave Request Form to their Chair no later than October 31.


2. UTM Research and Study Leave Request Form

Once Chair's have received faculty requests for leaves, they must be reviewed for eligibility and submitted to our office, along with the Chair's letter of support and the UTM Departmental Leave Form must be completed and submitted, usually no later than the second week of November.


3. UTM Departmental Leave - Online Submission Form


4. Sick Leave, Long-Term Disability, and Accommodation