MGT 480 Internship Course

Shawna Yue Xu

Course overview

The purpose of this course to apply and practice the management experience you’ve already gained through previous course work. You do this through work placements — aka "internships."

Your internship provides a valuable opportunity to form professional contacts. The course also helps you bridge the gap between graduation and full-time employment. Therefore, you practice useful skills to help in your job search and, eventually, the workplace.

A final written submission and oral presentation contribute to the development of your communication skills. NB: MGT480H5S is only available to upper-year B.Com, BBA and Management major students who meet prerequisites.

Please see the academic calendar here for more information regarding prerequisites. 

How it works

  1. Sign up now for MGT 480 on ROSI and another course in case you don't get in. You must be registered or on the waitlist by the end of August.
  2. Participate in the orientation whether you’re registered or on the wait list.
  3. Complete the MGT 480 Internship application when the link is distributed at the orientation. 

Contact us

Associate Professor and MGT 480 Course Director
Department of Management
University of Toronto Mississauga
Room KN 223
Phone: 905-569-4955