Living at UTM: Supports & Resources

UTM Supports Resources

Here we have included important information about living in residence! learn more about each subject or check-out our in-room guide & student handbook.

UTM Appeal Form

Students wishing to appeal a fine, charge, fee or disciplinary sanction or who are seeking an administrative exception (i.e. requests for exceptions to lease/contract dates) must submit an appeal form within 30 days of the dated document (i.e. sanction letter, invoice, check-out notice, etc.). The appeal form must be submitted to Student Housing & Residence Life through the Residence Services Desk at or to the appointed Appeal Officer. Supplemental documentation to back-up any appeal claim is highly encouraged. 

Students are advised to pay their residence fees while their appeal is being reviewed in order to avoid service charges on their ROSI balance as Student Housing & Residence Life does not adjust service charges incurred.

Appeal Considerations

Appeals regarding extenuating circumstances will be considered. However, please note that as stated in the Occupancy Agreement:

"The Resident acknowledge and agrees to be bound by all terms, conditions, rules and regulations stated in this agreement (including section 6.0-6.5) regardless of the University of Toronto's decision to deliver courses in-person or through an online learning environment."

Therefore, requests for refunds on the basis of classes being online will not be granted. The $350 application fee and $1650 application deposit, once made, are non-refundable and non-transferrable. We strongly encourage you to consider this in your planning before you accept your offer as appeals regarding these fees will also be denied. 

Don-on-Duty. 289-805-0580. Monday to Friday from 5:00pm-9:00pm. Saturday and Sunday 24 hours a day. If you need immediate support or have an emergency, please contact Don-on-Duty. Campus Safety (905-569-4333) and 9-1-1 is available for emergencies at any time. For emergencies outside of Don-on-Duty hours, please call our Residence Services Desk at 905-828-5286.

Don On Duty (DOD): 289-805-0580

In each residence area, there is a Don-On-Duty (DOD) available to help you with any emergency situation when your own Don is unavailable and the Residence Services Desk is closed. DOD is available Monday to Friday 5:00 PM - 9:00 AM the next day and 24/7 on weekends and holidays. You can find holidays & hours in our calendar

Do not hesitate to call the Don-on-Duty as they are there for you and want to make sure you’re safe and comfortable in residence. Please notify the Don-On-Duty if you have called 911 for any reason. The Don-on-Duty also does rounds of their area during quiet hours to ensure community members are following the guidelines set out in the Residence Community Standards in our Student Handbook.

General Fire & Safety Information

General Safety Tips:

  • Lock exterior windows and doors
  • Draw curtains or shades at night and when not at home
  • Do not let unknown people into your residence
  • Discuss safety issues with your housemates and residence staff

Report suspicious people, vehicles, and situations to UTM Campus Safety and/or your Don-on-Duty

Upon discovery of a fire or hearing a fire alarm:

  1. Leave the fire area via the nearest exit
  2. Close all doors behind you
  3. Call the Fire Department (Dial 9-1-1) and your Don-On-Duty from a safe place
  4. Do not return until the Fire Official has declared the situation safe

If you require Special Assistance during an emergency, please complete the Emergency Preparedness - Special Assistance Form

Occupants are advised to:

  • Be fully acquainted with the fire protection installations that are provided for your safety
  • Know where the fire exits are
  • Call the Fire Department at 9-1-1 if you need emergency assistance
  • Know the fire route address of your residence community (addresses vary)

Safety Resources

  • UTM Campus Safety - non-emergency: 905-828-5200
  • UTM Campus Safety - emergency: 905-569-4333
  • U of T Community Safety Office - 416-978-1485
  • Peel Regional Police - non-emergency: 905-453-3311
  • Peel Regional Police - emergency: 9-1-1

Fire & Safety in Residence

The safety of our Residents is of the utmost importance to us. Below is some important fire safety information that all residents are required to know for their stay on campus.

Please review the fire safety information for your residence community:

If you require special assistance during a fire alarm or emergency evacuation, please complete the information in the form found at the following link. The form is voluntary and the information provided is confidential and will only be used in the event of an
emergency. Emergency Preparedness - Special Assistance Form

Laundry facilities are located in each residence and are available 24/7. All undergraduate residents will receive a laundry card when they check-in with approximately $99 pre-loaded on it. As you do each load of laundry the total loads available will drop with it. You will need to supply your own laundry detergent. If your card runs out of money during the school year, you can add more to it by visiting one of the SmartCard Machines, found by the Residence Services Desk.

Residents receiving the laundry card must treat their card the same as cash; any lost card, stolen card or cards damaged from misuse or physical alteration so as to be non-functional constitutes lost cash with no replacement or refund of value. Drilling or punching holes in the laundry card is prohibited and any loss or damage resulting from doing so is solely the responsibility and cost of the user.

*Please make sure to keep your card in a safe place. * A new card (with no value) will cost $10 for a new card ($10 will be posted to ACORN/ROSI).

Laundry Room Locations

Erindale HallEH 1st Floor
Leacock LaneEntrance next to LL146. Click here for directions.
MaGrath ValleyCommon room & laundry near MV225. Click here for directions.
McLuhan CourtEntrance next to MC90. Click here for directions.
Oscar Peterson HallOPH 2nd Floor
OPH 3rd Floor
OPH 4th Floor
OPH 5th Floor
Putnam PlaceEntrance next to PP115. Click here for directions.
Roy Ivor HallLaundry room entrance is located across from lobby entrance. The entrance can be found to the right when facing Roy Ivor. Click here for directions.
Schreiberwood UndergradEntrance next to SW28 & Roy Ivor laundry facilities

Who do I contact if the washer/dryer in my laundry room is broken?

If you experience any problems with these machines you can let us know by contacting our Residence Services Desk at or via phone at 905-828-5286. Please provide the following information: 

  • Where the laundry machine is located
  • The machine code #
  • The issue you are experiencing

Through active participation in the residence experience, students will become conscientious life-long learners.

Our four learning goals listed below support you in your UTM transition and allow you to continue to develop as a student outside the classroom. Click here to see highlights from previous years and learn more about how our intentional initiatives could positively impact your residence experience.


Students will develop a greater sense of belonging by learning how to better communicate, resolve conflict and work with others in an effort to become contributing members of local, regional and global communities.


In relation to others, students will have the opportunity to learn alongside, and engage with diverse topics and identities such as ability, age, class, culture, ethnicity, gender, indigeneity, race, religion, sex and sexuality, students will develop a more empathetic and intersectional understanding of differences. Students will be provided with opportunities to establish, a deeper respect for others and their worldview.


Students will explore their concept of self, through their personal beliefs and values. By actively participating in a community of diverse identities, students will be encouraged to challenge their own perspectives through reflective practices.

Academic Development

A student’s academic transition to the university will be supported. A student will explore their passion for academia and gain an increased understanding of their individualized learning journey.

All students in residence are required to have a meal plan regardless of the style of housing they live in. Students can choose from a variety of meal plan options when applying to residence. 

Learn more about meal plans on campus here: See some Frequently Asked Questions about your meal plan here:

If you need assistance with your meal plan, please contact Hospitality & Ancillary Services

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM EST

Location: William G. Davis building, Suite 3127

Phone: 905-569-4795


Do you need a proof of residence? You can find it on StarRez after you check-in to residence! See instructions below: 

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UTORid and password.
  3. Click on the 3 bars located on the blue bar at the top of the website.
  4. Proceed to "Manage My Housing".
  5. Select your "UTM - Term" booking.
  6. Select the dropdown menu and click on "UTM Undergraduate Proof of Residence".

Please note: if you are a summer student, the Proof of Residence form is not available. Please email our Residence Services Desk to request one. If you are not checked into residence, the PoR form will not be available to you. 

Should you have any issues, please contact our Residence Services Desk and allow 3-5 business days for us to respond. 

Learn more about the Residence Services Desk here. 

Hours of Operation (Summer Hours)

  • Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Visit the Residence Services Desk for the following services: 

  • Mail & Packages
  • Resource Rentals
  • Residence Piano Room
  • Maintenance & Facilities Issues
  • General Inquiries
  • Administrative processes: cancelling from residence, appeals, & more...
  • Keys & locks
  • Application & admissions questions
  • Residence Tours

Learn more about these services on our Residence Services Desk page.

Not sure where to go? We encourage you to go to the RSD for any inquiries and we will try our best to redirect you!

Contact us: 

P: 905-828-5286
LiveChat on our website!

Student Housing & Residence Life has a financial aid program available, in the form of a grant, for full-time students living on campus. This is a needs-based grant that runs during the Fall & Winter term to assist those students who have unmet financial need with respect to their educational expenses. The grant amount is up to $500 CAD per semester.

Grant applications will be considered on a rolling basis. The Student Housing & Residence Life Grant Committee will meet during the last week of every month to consider applications. Applicants will be contacted after consideration to be notified of whether they have received funding.

In order to apply for the Residence Grant, you must complete all the questions listed below: Insufficient information will affect the consideration of your application for a grant.

If you have any questions or concerns about the form or how to apply, please email the Grants Committee at

Submit your Grant Application here:


The Student Housing Advisory Committee provides students with a forum to voice opinions and ideas to the University of Toronto Mississauga Department of Student Housing & Residence Life, and serves to facilitate bi-directional communication between students and housing staff.


Student representatives provide input and feedback on matters pertaining to housing services, programming for students, resources and departmental budget priorities. Areas of interest for which student feedback and discussion is invaluable include:

  • Student needs in various communities, including undergraduate, graduate/professional, bachelor & family communities;
  • Housing policies, services, student conduct structures, customer service and engagement issues;
  • Budgetary priorities for the department and housing fee consultation;

Learn more about this committee and how to join here:

If you are going to have a social gathering, here are some things to consider to make sure that you are keeping yourself and others safe:

  • Make sure you know everyone attending, this is your living space!
  • Ensure all guests are aware of the Residence Community Standards
  • If there’s going to be alcohol present for those that are of legal drinking age, have a sober person/resident to ensure no one is becoming over intoxicated.
    • If alcohol is present, it must remain in living spaces – common areas are alcohol free.
  • If there’s going to be cannabis present for those that are of legal age to use, ensure that cannabis is consumed outdoors in the designated smoking areas
  • Although there are quiet hours, it is always consideration hours for noise
  • Talk to your neighbours and those around you ahead of time to let them know you’ll be having people over
  • Be aware of when quiet hours begin
    • Sunday-Thursday:11:00PM
    • Friday & Saturday: 1:00AM
    • Note: 24 hour Quiet Hours are in effect during exam periods
  • Make sure you’ve reviewed the numbers that you would need to contact in case of emergency:
    • Don-On-Duty: 289-805-0580
    • Residence Service Desk: 905-828-5286
    • Campus Safety Services: 905-828-5200
  • Health & Wellness

Something not working in your unit? Submit a work order and our facilities team will be there to help! Learn more about work orders on our website: Please keep in mind, work orders are completed Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM. 

If you are experiencing an emergency (flooding, lock problem, etc...), please contact Don-on-Duty.