Before You Get Started
There is some important information you should know before you get started. Please take the time to review and understand:
For consideration for admission to residence for the upcoming academic year, all upper-year applicants must meet the minimum eligibility requirements:
- Complete a minimum of 3.0 credits in the previous academic year at the University of Toronto Mississauga;
- Achieve a minimum 1.5 cumulative grade-point average (GPA) in the previous academic year;
- Abide by the policies, procedures, payment deadlines and community standards as outlined in the UTM Student Housing & Residence Life Undergraduate Occupancy Agreement and Residence Handbook;
- Maintain full-time student status for the duration of their on-campus residency;
- Abide all application deadlines and procedures.
All Upper Year students who meet eligibility requirements and all dates & deadlines can apply for a residence guarantee if you follow into one of these categories:
Undergraduate Indigenous Student Guarantee
- Students who self-identify as Indigenous and complete the Self-Identification Form by the deadline
- Recognizing that there are a variety of terms that potential candidates may use to self-identify, the University uses the term “Indigenous” in this search, which forms part of the U of T Response to Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to encompass the people of Turtle Island, including those who identify as First Nations, Métis, Inuk (Inuit), Alaska Native, Native American, and Native Hawaiian people.
Residence Community Ambassador (RCA) Guarantee
- Residence Community Ambassadors are upper year students who live in the community and support our orientation activities.
- Students may apply to be an RCA through submitting a supplementary application and meeting all the dates & deadlines.
- More information can be found here.
Pre Med Living Learning Community Guarantee
- Students enrolled in BIO208 and BIO209 in the upcoming academic year.
- Students must complete the Supplementary Application found on StarRez.
- Participants are selected based on the quality of their application. Learn more about the PreMed LLC here.
Application Process
Upper Year Applications will open in mid-February. Application dates and deadlines can be found by clicking here.
Application Steps:
- Login to StarRez at residence.utoronto.ca with your UTORid and password.
- Select: "Upper-Year Returner" Application
- You will be re-directed to the University of Toronto Mississauga page, where you can select your active applications
- Complete all steps of the UTM - Undergrad Academic Year application
- Ensure you pay the $350 non-refundable application fee
- Submit your application by the deadline
- Please note that Upper Year Residence applications submitted by the deadline that meet minimum eligibility requirements (unless selected for a guarantee -- see above), will have an equal opportunity to be randomly selected for a remaining available space in Upper Year Housing.
- Please note that Upper Year Residence applications submitted by the deadline that meet minimum eligibility requirements (unless selected for a guarantee -- see above), will have an equal opportunity to be randomly selected for a remaining available space in Upper Year Housing.
After You Apply:
If your UTM Upper Year Housing application and application fee have been received by the deadline, you will be entered into a pool of candidates to be randomly selected for a space. This process does not apply if you are successfully selected for an Upper Year Residence Guarantee. UTM Student Housing & Residence Life will send housing confirmations & waitlist numbers to the email address you have registered with ACORN. See below details for each category.
- Login to StarRez at residence.utoronto.ca with your UTORid and password.
- First years will select "My Applications" and Upper Years will select "Upper Year Returner"
- Go to "Application Offer"
- Under "Select Next Step" click "Accept Offer & Pay Acceptance Deposit"
- Pay the $1,650 non-refundable and non-transferable acceptance deposit.
- Click "Submit Acceptance"
Please ensure you have done the above steps before the deadline. Dates and deadlines can be found here: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/housing/applying/undergraduate/undergraduate-dates-deadlines.
The acceptance deposit is applied towards the total cost of living in residence. More information about your residence fees can be found here: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/housing/applying/undergraduate/undergraduate-fees
- Login to StarRez at residence.utoronto.ca with your UTORid and password.
- First years will select "My Applications" and Upper Years will select "Upper Year Returner"
- Go to "Application Offer"
- Under "Select Next Step" click "Decline Offer & Cancel"
- Complete the form.
- Click "Submit Cancellation/Withdrawal Request"
Please ensure you have done the above steps before the deadline. Dates and deadlines can be found here: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/housing/applying/undergraduate/undergraduate-dates-deadlines.
The information below applies to Upper Year students only
Receiving a spot in residence from the waitlist:
- As spaces become available in a specific category, offers will be made.
- If a waitlist category is exhausted then an alternate category will be used to fill the space. This process will continue until no space remains or the waitlist is exhausted;
- We will notify applicants through e-mail when a room becomes available and require an answer within two (2) business days. If we do not receive an email back within that time frame your application will be cancelled. Please ensure to keep your contact information up-to-date directly through ACORN.
Cancelling from the waitlist:
- If we offer you a residence room and you decline because you would like another housing style, your application will be cancelled.
- If you find alternate housing and you would like to cancel off the waitlist, please cancel via the Cancellation/Withdrawal form found in your StarRez application. Verbal or phone cancellations will not be accepted. The application fee and acceptance deposit are non-refundable.
The waitlist will remain active throughout the academic year.
Students who applied to UTM Upper Year Housing by the deadline and did not receive an residence offer, will all be randomly assigned a position on the UTM Upper Year Waitlist. Students who complete the UTM Upper Year Housing application after the deadline will be assigned to the waitlist based on time of application.
All students applying to Upper Year housing will receive an equal opportunity to have a space. Our Personalized Accommodation Request process is for students who require a certain style of housing based on a need. It is not to request housing in general.
If you are eligible, we have three Upper Year Residence Guarantees to provide you with additional opportunities to secure a space. You can learn more about our guarantees on our website. All applications received by the deadline will be included in the random draw for space, earlier applications will not have an increased chance of receiving housing.