Job Shadow Program Placement Details


Please fill out the following form and once complete, please click the SUBMIT button. Please note our students have been informed that all placements for the Fall 2020 will be virtual.

For further information about the Job Shadow Program please feel free to contact Jelena Vulic ( Team Lead, Partner Relations for Experiential Learning or refer to our website

Please note that your contact information is not shared until after the student has confirmed their Job Shadow placement.

Your Information

Your Information 

(If Applicable) 
Are you a University of Toronto Alumni?
Are you a University of Toronto Alumni? 
If Yes, Which Campus?
If Yes, Which Campus? 
Organization Contact Information

Organization Contact Information

Organization Information

Organization Information

JSP Placement Information

JSP Placement Information

This information will be used to promote your placement to students. Providing more information will help the Career Centre place the appropriate student with you.

Which Program Cycles Will You Participate In?

Which Program Cycles Will You Participate In? 

(Please note, placement duration is only 1 to 2 days but occurs during the above two-week periods)
(1-8 per placement)
(Please indicate the career area student(s) will explore during their visit: (e.g., Law, Event Planning, Teaching, Cardiology, etc.)
Please describe any anticipated placement logistics for students (e.g., what is the dress code, do they need to check in with security, is a police check required, should they call you in advance?)
Please list any pre-requisites that you may have for our student(s), if applicable (e.g., must be in X year or must be in X program) **Please keep in mind this program is intended to help students who may not be qualified in your field at the time of their placement, but who want to know more about what you do for their own career planning**

Please indicate the types of activities the student(s) may have an opportunity to do during this job shadow experience (please check all that apply)

(please describe any other activities the student(s) may have an opportunity to do during this job shadow experience

Is your office wheelchair accessible?

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