ISUP's Third Annual Showcase of Student Papers

Amidst the hustle and bustle that comes with the start of a new academic year, the Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy (ISUP) is thrilled to present our third annual showcase of papers from ISP100: Writing for University and Beyond, ISUP’s first-year writing course. Excitingly, this issue of our journal has experienced more student participation than any previous year. Student roles ranged from authors, reviewers, assistant editors, and co-editors. With this, student mentorship from faculty was more prominent than ever.
As always, what makes this journal unique is the extensive collaboration between faculty and students. This journal could not have come together without an outstanding and enthusiastic team of faculty supporters. Their support with running, sustaining, and advocating for the journal has been paramount to its success. This year, outstanding editorial efforts were put forth by Janine Rose, Phoebe Kang, Oguzhan Tekin, Michael Kaler, and Mark Blaauw-Hara. Additionally, this journal offers a wonderful opportunity for an impressive team of student contributors to gain practical experiences with the editing and publication process.
In the words of our Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Chris Eaton, Assistant Professor, "it has been delightful to see so many new people contributing to the journal, and it has been outstanding to witness returning students assume new roles and expand their skillsets. Watching them flourish has been terrific (though unsurprising)."
Like previous ISP100 showcases, this issue features papers from our three major assignments: a writing story, a discourse community analysis, and a genre analysis. The papers highlight the distinctive qualities of writing by exemplifying the variety of approaches to conceptualizing ideas, conducting research, and articulating original ideas. This issue features discussions about politics, sports, video games, virtual communities, workplaces, the legal system, journalism, and so much more. The common underlying theme among these papers is the insightful discussions about how writing factors into each of these domains.
Above all, the latest issue in this journal celebrates the students and faculty who made it happen. Our students and editorial team have worked hard to bring this latest issue to life. ISUP is proud to share the great work they have done in the past year. We hope you will enjoy reading these papers as much as we enjoyed working with them.