Anne Mayengo


Bachelor of Commerce in Sustainable Management and Marketing  • McGill University 


Anne received a Bachelor of Commerce in Sustainable Management and Marketing from McGill University in May 2023. Her interest in sustainability management was ignited during her second year at McGill, where she took two eye-opening classes: Strategies for Sustainability and Social Context of Business. These classes provided her with the drive and passion to pursue sustainable management. During her final year at McGill, she participated in a pro-bono sustainability consulting course, in which she, alongside a group of 4 other students, developed a consulting plan for a regenerative tourism startup to assist the company in achieving sustainable social impact. At the end of the research for the consulting report, Anne and her team gave a presentation about the role of regenerative tourism in enacting positive social impact. This four-month-long project sparked an infinite interest in consulting and social impact and helped her develop crucial skills such as analytical and problem-solving skills.

As her passion for sustainable management continued to grow during her time at McGill, Anne decided that she wanted to become involved in her university’s life to truly make an impact on students’ lives, and raise awareness around sustainability. Therefore, in August 2022, she became the Director of Marketing for the Desautels Sustainability Network (DSN), a student-led group at McGill with the goal of fostering a culture of sustainable business practices by connecting students with professionals in multiple industries such as impact investing, sustainable agriculture, or even technology. In January 2023, as part of her role at the DSN, she moderated and led a panel discussion gathering over 50 students and 3 industry leaders to discuss the future of sustainable finance, including topics such as ESG investing, ESG disclosure standards, climate financing, and impact investing. This opportunity allowed her to apply her previous skills in public speaking but also deepened her understanding of sustainable finance, a field she finds very interesting.

In addition, Anne played a variety of sports throughout the course of her life, including a few years on the rugby team at her high school and tennis memberships at the local country club. She participated in numerous rugby tournaments in South Africa and attended weekly tennis training. These two sports helped her become the person she is today by instilling in her the values of discipline, perseverance, and teamwork.  Additionally, Anne enjoys baking, spending time outdoors, interacting with her friends and family, and meeting new people!