Natasha Vashisht
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L1C6
Teaching and Research Interests
Literature of the Global South; Postcolonial drama; subaltern studies; decolonial studies; African, Caribbean and Latin American drama; theatres of resistance; theatre in conflict zones, humour and resistance; diasporic and transnational literature
Courses Taught
DRE420H Senior Seminar - African and Caribbean Theatre
ENG302H Magical Realism
ENG317H Drama of the Global South
ENG330H Medieval Drama
ENG343H World Drama
ENG356H Caribbean Literature
ENG371H Special Topic in World Literature: Theatres of Resistance
ENG426H Seminar Seminar: Race, Ethnicity, Diaspora, Indigeneity: Revolutionary Humour in Postcolonial Drama
ENG460H Seminar: Pre1700 Literature: Humour and Transgression in European Dramatic Comedy
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Diasporic Indian English Writing: Co-editing with M Jaidka & T Dhar, Springer Nature Pte Ltd. In progress.
Articles & Book Chapters
The Empire Laughs Back: “Black Humour and Trauma in Ahmed Masoud’s The Shroud Maker,” Special issue on “Humour and Conflict in the Global South,” European Journal of Humour Research (EJHR). In progress.
“Staging Truth to Power”: Sistren Theatre Collective’s Call to Political Action in QPH in Women's Innovations in Theatre, Dance, and Performance – Volume 2 "Creators," Eds. Lane, Mercer & Jain, Bloomsbury Publishers. In progress.
“Mahesh Dattani,” “Bharati Sarabhai” & “Final Solutions and Other Plays” by Mahesh Dattani.” Jaidka, M., & Dhar, T.N. (Eds.). The Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English, 2023.
“Staging resistance matters! Deconstructing structures of power and oppression in Ngugi Wa Thiong’o and Micere Githae Mugo's The Trial of Dedan Kimathi and Dario Fo's Accidental Death of an Anarchist.” In African Identities Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 2021.
“Empowering the Oppressed: A Gandhian Approach to Mahasweta Devi’s Aajir.” in Reflections on Mahatma Gandhi: The Global Perspectives, Eds., T Beitzel & C Langare. India: Rawat Publishers, 2021.
Politics and Farce in Dario Fo’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist,” in Dialog Panjab University journal of Research (English), Number 8, 2005
“Of Wiglerus, Feng Et. Al.: Some Variations on the Hamlet Story.” Hamlet Studies: An international journal of research on the Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.” Vol. 25 (co -authorship with M Jaidka), 2003.
“Bulbul Sharma.” South-Asian Novelists in English: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook.” U.S.A: Greenwood press, 2002
“Dissent through the Theatre of Farce: Dario Fo and the Commedia Dell’ Arte,” Language, Literature and Beyond: The Postmodern Genre. Eds., P Ozha & R Gautam, India: Authorspress, 2019
“A demented but partly secure Society”: Reconsidering Human Depravity in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies,” Worlds Gone Awry: Essays on Dystopian Fiction. Ed., John Jan, C. Triplett & A. Antony. U.S.A: McFarland Company, inc., Publishers, 2018.
“Folly Foolery and the Fool: The Strange Case of Launcelot Gobbo in Merchant of Venice” in Merchant of Venice, Ed. Lovelina Singh. India: Prentice Hall Publications, 2016.
Education? It’s asking questions all the time” - Proletarian Revolution in Arnold Wesker’s Roots.” Dialog, Panjab University journal of Research (English), Number 13, 2008
Book Review, Banana Flower-Dreams by Bulbul Sharma. The Tribune, 22 July 2002.
Editorial on ‘200 Years of Charles Dickens’ The Tribune, 10 April 2012