2021 Departmental Award Recipients

The Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences congratulates its 2020-21 undergraduate and graduate student award winners.  As always, we are thankful to the sponsors of these awards, and appreciate their support in recognizing the achievements of our students. A complete list of the award winners can be found below.

Sincere congratulations to everyone!


Name of Award Award Recipient
John Pounder Prize in Astronomy (AST101)

Shayan Chakravarty

Aurora Picciottoli

John Pounder Prize in Astronomy (AST110)

David Huo

Taif Huda

John Pounder Prize in Astronomy (AST201)

Seymur Saul

Ayra Wibowo


Name of Award Award Recipient
James J. Rae Chemistry Prize Ariel Haxhiaj
Lawrence V. Redman Prize in Chemistry Keonho Lee
Carl Manning Prize Beck Peterson
Igor Bolta Scholarship in Chemistry

Naman Patel

Todd Tenio

The Canadian Society for Chemistry Silver Medal

Ivonne Lopez-Miranda

Taras Skotar

Hannah Ruffo

The Chemical Institute of Canada Toronto Section Book Prize Abdul Al Kos
The Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (Canadian Section)

Abhinav Mishra

Melissa Duffy

Xinyu Cheng

Moore Award in Chemistry

Yasmin Abdellatiff

Earth Science

Name of Award Award Recipient
David Kobluk Memorial Scholarship N/A
Frederick R. Burton Scholarship in Earth Science Daniela La Cock
Isabel and Tuzo Wilson Scholarship Hoi Leung Pun
Moore Award in Geology Dalton DeMers


Name of Award Award Recipient
H. W. Taylor Award in Physics Dalton DeMers
Petar Hein Award in Physics Thomas Tsangaris
Moore Award in Physics Justine Obidowski
Feynman Award Kevin Joshy

Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Undergraduate Student Research Award (NSERC USRA)

Award Recipients
Nicholas Alonzi
Colette Macarios

Spenser Ross

Shazray Syed

University of Toronto Excellence Award (UTEA)

Award Recipient

Artittaya Boonkird

Advances in Earth Science Research Conference (AESRC) Sponsorship Recipients

Award Recipients - N/A

Women in Science and Engineering Conference (WISE) Sponsorship Recipients

Award Recipient
Saumya Mathur

Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference (CUPC)

Award Recipients - N/A

Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CCUWiP) Sponsorship Recipients

Award Recipient
Nicole Gromek

Huguette Cohen Award

Award Recipients

Sarah Bickers

Bijan Mirabi

Nabanita Nawar

Fraser Code PhD Thesis Award

Award Recipients

Daniel Dick

Dennis Fernandes

CPS Teaching Fellowship Award

Award Recipients

Leonardo Castano

Christina Gizzo

Katie Maloney

CPS Research Visit Award

Award Recipients - N/A


CPS Best Paper Award

Award Recipients
Sarah Bickers
Katie Maloney