Pascal Michelucci
Professor, French Studies (on leave)
Language Studies
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Maanjiwe nendamowinan, MN4144
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Graduate appointment: Graduate French Program
Pascal Michelucci teaches modern and contemporary French literature in the Department of French at the University of Toronto and in Language Studies on the Mississauga campus (UTM). Pascal is co-founder and member of the Groupe de recherche et d’étude de la littérature française d’aujourd’hui (GRELFA). He has published a monograph on metaphor in the works of Paul Valéry and several journal articles, on Rimbaud, Valéry, Pieyre de Mandiargues, Duras, Ernaux, and Jauffret, among others.
- PhD, French Language and Literature, University of Toronto
- MA, French Language and Literature, University of Toronto
- BA, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Areas of Teaching and Research Interests
- Contemporary French literature
- 20th-century French literature
Selected Publications
- Michelucci, Pascal. La métaphore dans l’oeuvre de Paul Valéry. Berne–New York, Peter Lang, 2003.
- Havercroft, Barbara, Pascal Michelucci, and Pascal Riendeau, editors. Le roman français de l'extrême contemporain: écritures, engagements, énonciations. Québec, Nota Bene, coll. Contemporanéités, 2010.
- Michelucci, Pascal. "La motivation des styles chez Marguerite Duras : cris et silence dans Moderato cantabile et La douleur." Études françaises, vol. 39, no. 2 (Zola, explorateur des marges), 2003, pp. 95–107.
- Michelucci, Pascal. "Le parti de l’expression : le roman maniériste d’Éric Laurrent." Narrations d'un nouveau siècle : romans et récits français (2001–2010), edited by Bruno Blanckeman and Barbara Havercroft, Paris, Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2012, pp. 265–276.
- Hébert, Louis, Pascal Michelucci, and Éric Trudel, editors. Magritte : perspectives nouvelles, nouveaux regards. Québec, Nota Bene, 2018.
- Michelucci, Pascal, Olga C.M. Fischer, and Christina Ljungberg, editors. Semblance and Signification. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, coll. Iconicity in Language and Literature 10, 2011.
Selected Grants, Fellowships and Awards
- SSHRC Insight Grant, Principal Investigator, 2021–2026, Politiques du genre et engagement dans la littérature française de l'extrême contemporain
- SSHRC Insight Grant, Co-investigator, 2017–2022, Dictionnaire de sémiotique bilingue en ligne, avec glossaire et cartes conceptuelles
- Founding Language Studies. Selected Papers from the 2007 FGI Colloquium, Morrisville, Lulu Press, 2009.
- Hébert, Louis, Pascal Michelucci, and Éric Trudel. Magritte. Toutes les oeuvres, tous les thèmes. Base de données Internet. Rimouski, 2012.