Mojgan Osmani
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Maanjiwe nendamowinan, 4th floor
Mississauga ON L5L1C6
Mojgan Osmani received her PhD from Tarbiat Modares University in 2019. Her doctoral dissertation is entitled "The Study of Phases in the Structure of Kurdish Sentences". Her primary areas of research interest are case and agreement systems; in particular, ergativity. Dr. Osmani is a University of Toronto Mississauga Postdoctoral Fellow in Humanities under the supervision of Professor Arsalan Kahnemuyipour. She is based in the Department of Language Studies at UTM, but also spends time at the Department of Linguistics, UTSG. Her postdoctoral work is focused on the syntax of clitics in Iranian languages, especially central Kurdish (Sanandaji). Her research dataset has recently been expanded to include additional Iranian languages. The variation found in the distribution of clitics in Iranian languages, despite lots of syntactic similarities otherwise, makes them a perfect test case for a microparametric study. Dr. Osmani has also joined the Syntax of Nominal Linkers project (PI: Arsalan Kahnemuyipour).