
Marie-Paule Lory

Associate Professor, French Studies
Language Studies

Graduate Appointment: Graduate Program in Language & Literacies Education, OISE

Marie-Paule was born and raised in France and completed her PhD at the University of Montréal. Her main research interests focus on linguistic social representation among language learners, as well as the inclusion of linguistic and cultural diversity in teaching practices. She has extensive experience in training teachers on innovative plurilingual pedagogical practices in Quebec and Ontario, and she is currently collaborating with the Ontario Ministry of Education, as well as school boards in Ontario, on several pedagogical projects on plurilingualism. She is also part of innovative research projects that support second language development through Creative Expression.

Current Courses

Fall/Winter 2024-25:

  • FRE227 (Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language)
  • FRE352 (Teaching French Grammar)
  • FRE354 (Teaching French in a Plurilingual Context)

Graduate Course

  • CTL5316 (Agir en éducation)


  • PhD, Didactique, University of Montréal
  • MA, Second Language Acquisition, Université René Descartes (Paris, France)
  • BA, Second Language Acquisition, Université René Descartes (Paris, France)

Areas of Teaching and Research Interests

  • Plurilingualism
  • Teaching and learning a second language
  • Linguistic social representation
  • Innovative pedagogical practices
  • Inclusion and Equity in Education
  • Linguistic and cultural collaboration in a learning space

Selected Publications 


Articles & Book Chapters

  • Lory, M.-P. (In Press). Plurilingual Kamishibaï: a plurilingual pedagogical art-based project to go beyond monolingualism in the classroom. In R. Zaidi, Boz, U. & Moreau, E. (Eds.). Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice. Multilingual Matters.
  • Lory, M.-P. (2021). Plurilingual Practices, The Canadian Perspective. In E. Piccardo, G. Lawrence & A. Germain-Rutherford (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Plurilingual Language Education (pp. 417–423). New York and London: Routledge.
  • Prasad, G.L., & Lory, M.-P. (2020). Linguistic and Cultural Collaboration (LCC) in schools: Reconciling majority and minoritized language users. TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 797–822. doi: 10.1002/tesq.560
  • Farmer, D., & Lory, M.-P. (2019). Langues et identités plurielles en contexte éducatif canadien francophone : comment une langue s’épanouit-elle au travers des mouvements de société ? Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 75(4), 353–364. doi:10.3138/cmlr.2019-0021


  • Lory, M.-P., Prasad, G., & DesOrmeaux, T. (2023). Monographie du ministère de l’Éducation : Une pédagogie sensible et adaptée à la culture et à la pérennisation de la langue française. CLÉ. Monograph, Ministry of Education of Ontario.

Selected Grants, Fellowships and Awards

  • SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Co-investigator, 2020–2024, Awareness Matters: Fostering Critical Multilingual Language Awareness for All
  • Current project with the ministry of Education of Ontario: Les approches plurilingues, Une ressource numérique pour les écoles de langue française de l’Ontario, CLÉ & Centre-Franco, 2023


Member of the CREFO, Centre de recherches en éducation franco-ontarienne