Courses for Summer 2024

 MBiotech’s Summer 2024 courses are delivered in one of TWO modes, as follows— 

{  In Person } A course is considered In Person if it requires attend­ance at a specific location and time for some or all of the course activities. In-person delivery is subject to adjust­ments imposed by public health require­ments for physical distancing.

{  Online Syn­chronous } A course is considered Online Syn­chronous if online attend­ance is expected at a specific time for all course activities, and attend­ance at a specific location is not expected for any activities or exam.

The Summer Term, 2024 begins on the following dates for the four returning MBiotech cohorts—

CohortBioPh DHT 
› Year 121-May21-May
› Year 21-MayVaries
mbiotech logo

 The Biopharma­­ceuticals Stream  

The classic Master’s degree in biotech­nology, and MBiotech’s senior field of specialisation. The BioPh stream focuses on the transformative process of drug development, from the first conception of a therapeutic molecule, its journey through pre-clinical and clinical evaluation, and its ultimate commercialisation.  Read more about the BioPh stream here.

 Year 1 · BioPh

WhatWhenWho { How }
BTC1700H  Molecular Biology Laboratory
29 May 5 Jul
M - F  9 - 17
Leigh Revers {  In Person }
BTC1710H  Biomaterials & Protein Chemistry Theory12 Jul 9 Aug
M / W / F 9 - 12
Dennis Fernandez {  In Person }
BTC1720H  Biomaterials & Protein Chemistry Laboratory
12 Jul 9 Aug
M W F 12½ - 16½
/ R 9½ - 16½
Leigh Revers {  In Person }
BTC1810H  Biotechnology & Drug Manu­facturing
27 May 12 Aug
M 18½ - 21
Tim Lee {  In Person }
BTC1900Y  Work Term I WTP
Nazeem Shamsuddin {  In Person }
BTC2000H  Effective Management Practices23 May 22 Dec
Varies 19 - 21
Ann Armstrong {  Online Synchronous }



 WTP Work Term Preparation.

›› Year 2 · BioPh

-- Year 2 BioPh students are in Work Terms during the Summer Term.

WhatWhenWho { How }
BTC1910Y  Work Term II
1 May 31 Aug
Daily 9 - 17
Nazeem Shamsuddin {  In Person }



DHT Logo

 The Digital Health Technologies Stream  

MBiotech’s newest and most innovative field of specialisation. The DHT stream focuses on the role and application of a wide range of disciplines in the digital revolution that is changing the face of modern healthcare.  Read more about the DHT stream here.

 Year 1 · DHT

WhatWhenWho { How }
BTC1842H  Medical Device Reimburse­ment
28 May 2 Aug
9½ - 12½
Mark Smithyes {  In Person }
BTC1855H  Coding in R Lang­uage
24 May 25 Aug
F 13½ - 16
Sebnem Kuzulugil {  In Person }
BTC1859H  Data Science in Health I28 May 13Aug
T 18 - 21
Nicholas Mitsakakis {  In Person }
BTC2000H  Effective Management Practices25 May 20 Dec
Varies 19 - 21
Ann Armstrong {  Online Synchronous }

›› Year 2 · DHT

-- Year 2 DHT students are in Work Terms during the Summer Term.

WhatWhenWho { How }
BTC1900Y  Work Term I
1 May 31 Aug
Daily 9 - 17
Nazeem Shamsuddin {  In Person }

  Please note that the times may vary on individual days and dates are subject to change. Refer to your course outline for course-specific dates. Presidential Day 28-JunCanada Day 1-Jul, and Civic Holiday 5-Aug, no classes.

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