The Department of Geography, Geomatics and Environment is proud to recognize and celebrate excellence among our undergraduate and graduate students for academic achievements in the fields of Geography, Environment, Geographical Information Systems, and for outstanding leadership.
Geography, Geomatics, and Environment
Awards of Excellence 2020
A.P. Sandrasagra Memorial Scholarship
- Monique Dosanjh
Best Thesis
- Zoe Bedford
CAG Award
- Monique Dosanjh
Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Award
- James Kanerek
Donald Putnam Award
Environment Canada Scholarship for Academic Excellence
- Hanin Al Abedy
- Angelina Fedorenko
- Alexis Whelan
Environmental Management
- Jihan Khatib
Environmental Science
- Monique Dosanjh
Ferenc Csillag Award
- Ziran Jeffrey Zhou
Graduate Student Leadership Award
- Jae Page
Geographical Information Science
- Lana Bibi
Howard Andrews Award
- Melissa Marchese
Human Geography
- Diana Melikian
Ignat Kaneff Awards
- Year II
- Tiffany Cao
- Year III
- Carina Suleiman
Janet Campbell Booth Award
- Jayati Khattar
Jean M. Niskanen Award
- Melissa Heppner
- Ilhaan Hassan
- Carina Suleiman
Mentorship Program
- Juan Alvarez Salinas
- Eunhae Cho
- Mahsa Karim
- Arghavan Zarandi
PAGES Certification
- Vibhor Rohatgi
Physical Geography
- Un leng Wai
Urban Geography Prize in Memory of Gunter Gad
- Nicole Paton
Undergraduate Student Service and Leadership Award
- Zoe Bedford
Verna Flowers Award
- Tiffany Cao
- Manna Lo
- Sydney Miller
- Arjun Prasad
- Megan Roulston
- Soham Raikar

A.P. Sandrasagra Memorial Scholarship
Award recipient: Monique Dosanjh

Best Thesis
Award recipient: Zoe Bedford

CAG Award
Award recipient: Monique Dosanjh

Dan Fitzgerald Memorial Award
Award recipient: James Kanerek

Environment Canada Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Award recipient: Hanin Al Abedy

Environment Canada Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Award recipient: Angelina Fedorenko

Environment Canada Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Award recipient: Alexis Whelan

Environmental Management
Award recipient: Jihan Khatib

Environmental Science
Award recipient: Monique Dosanjh

Geographical Information Science
Award recipient: Lana Bibi

Human Geography
Award recipient: Diana Melikian

Ignat Kaneff Awards
Award recipient: Tiffany Cao

Ignat Kaneff Awards
Award recipient: Carina Suleiman

Janet Campbell Booth Award
Award recipient: Jayati Khattar

Jean M. Niskanen Award
Award recipient: Ilhaan Hassan

Jean M. Niskanen Award
Award recipient: Melissa Heppner

Jean M. Niskanen Award
Award recipient: Carina Suleiman

Mentorship Program
Award recipient: Eunhae Cho

Mentorship Program
Award recipient: Mahsa Karim

Mentorship Program
Award recipient: Juan Alvarez Salinas

Mentorship Program
Award recipient: Arghavan Zarandi

PAGES Certification
Award recipient: Vibhor Rohatgi

Physical Geography
Award recipient: Un leng Wai

Undergraduate Student Service and Leadership Award
Award recipient: Zoe Bedford

Urban Geography Prize in Memory of Gunter Gad
Award recipient: Nicole Paton

Verna Flowers Award
Award recipient: Tiffany Cao

Verna Flowers Award
Award recipient: Sydney Miller

Verna Flowers Award
Award recipient: Soham Raikar

Verna Flowers Award
Award recipient: Megan Roulston

Verna Flowers Award
Award recipient: Arjun Prasad
Verna Flowers Award
Award recipient: Manna Lo
Donald Putnam Award
Award recipient: TBD
Ferenc Csillag Award
Award recipient: Ziran Jeffrey Zhou
Graduate Student Service and Leadership Award
Award recipient: Jae Page
Howard Andrews Award
Award recipient: Melissa Marchese
Award winners advertised above have given permission to publish their names and/or photo.