Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has a broad mandate with the objective of ensuring and facilitating a safe environment for all employees, students, visitors and contractors who engage in activities across our community and frequent any of our spaces.

EHS works closely with other units in different portfolios across the campuses in order to provide a comprehensive health and safety framework designed to support specific client groups based on their needs.

Our mission is to ensure that an environmentally responsible, safe and healthy work, research and study environment exists at the University of Toronto.

We do this by being proactive in identifying risks and emerging issues and by developing and implementing innovative, practical and sustainable processes to manage them, including training and awareness, teaching, provision of expert advice, emergency response and assurance.

The University of Toronto Mississauga has a local EHS office that serves as the local point of contact for addressing health and safety issues, and implementing EHS programs and activities at the campus.

For more information, please go to the Environmental Health & Safety website: www.ehs.utoronto.ca.


  Biosafety; chemical & lab safety; environmental protection services; occupational health; occupational hygiene & safety; radiation, laser, & x-ray safety; accident reporting; and health & safety training.


For information about UTM's HVAC system and types of filter used in each of the building's air handling units, please open the collapsible item below.

Central Ventilation


The table below lists all the buildings on the Mississauga Campus and the type of filter used in each of the building's air handling units.

As part of our COVID-19 HVAC Strategy, all centralized heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system filters have been replaced with enhanced MERV 13 filters or the highest compatible with the existing HVAC infrastructure.

This is the standard that the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommends in the event of an emergency.


Air filtration is monitored and maintained by the UTM Building Engineering team, at the building level and in the specific classrooms.  Filters are replaced based on a predictive maintenance model, as well as based on manufacturer recommendation.

If you have any issue or concern about the temperature or ventilation in a room at UTM, please connect with us via the UTM Service Portal.


For more information, please review the memo about Classroom Ventilation at the included link.



UTM Filter List

UTM Filter List
Building Name Total Number - AHUs Filter Efficiency Rating
William G. Davis Building 17 MERV 14
W.G. Davis Building - Servery 1 MERV 13
Recreation, Athletics and Wellness Centre 5 MERV 14
Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex 4 MERV 14
Innovation Complex 3 MERV 14
Kaneff Centre 3 MERV 14
Kaneff Centre - Blackwood Art Gallery 1 MERV 13
Communication, Culture, Information & Technology 6 MERV 14
Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre 2 MERV 14
Student Centre 3 MERV 13
Academic Annex 2 MERV 13
Instructional Centre 7 MERV 14
Maanjiwe nendamowinan 4 MERV 14
Deerfield Hall 6 MERV 14
Erindale Theatre 3 MERV 13
Erindale Hall Residence 2 MERV 14
Oscar Peterson Hall 5 MERV 14
Oscar Peterson Hall - Coleman Commons Dining Hall 1 MERV 13
Roy Ivor Hall 5 MERV 13
Alumni House 2 MERV 13
Research Greenhouse 1 MERV 13
Early Learning Centre 1 MERV 13
Paleomagnetism Lab 1 MERV 13
Grounds Building 1 MERV 13

UTM Water Testing

As part of our new water treatment services plan Facilities Management & Planning is committed to regularly testing our drinking water lead levels in all campus buildings and will make the results available to our UTM community.  To view the most recent results please use the links provided below.

If you have any questions related to lead testing of our drinking water, please contact UTM Environmental Health & Safety Manager or Managing Director - Operations, Sustainability & Asset Management. 

Water testing for a variety of elements occurs regularly at the UTM Campus.

Water displaced from drinking glass

Lead Testing


As part of our new water treatment services plan, Facilities Management & Planning is committed to regularly testing our drinking water for lead in all campus buildings and making the results available to our UTM community. Refer to water testing results below:




Water test in laboratory

Legionella Testing


The University began Legionella testing as part of its return to work re-entry procedures in the summer of 2020 to ensure a safe working environment.


Click here for information on the University’s Water Maintenance Program and water testing results for Legionella at UTM.  [go to: https://ehs.utoronto.ca/return-to-work-re-entry-procedures-and-water-maintenance-program/]