Programming for Instructors

Instructor standing at the front of the classroom. Image features an RGASC logo.

The Educational Developers at the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre offer a variety of teaching and learning programming for faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants at UTM. 

This programming is offered in collaboration with the Teaching and Learning Collaboration (TLC) is a community of colleagues centred on a shared interest in teaching and learning, offering professional development through workshops and events, pedagogical reading groups, and teaching and learning exchange lunches.

An initiative of the Office of the Dean in collaboration with RGASC, the TLC fosters a culture of teaching excellence and innovation to enhance student learning across our campus. The TLC provides an avenue for instructors to collaborate, share ideas, engage in critical discussion, explore challenges, and build teaching and learning expertise.  

The TLC supports this aim by hosting events, distributing a newsletter and supporting communities of practice. It is jointly administered by the Office of the Dean and the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre.

A list of upcoming events can be found on the Upcoming Events for Instructors page.

Teaching and Learning Collaboration Links