Image of brick home known as Lislehurst, home of UTM's Principal

A message from UTM Acting Vice-President & Principal Ian Orchard

To all members of the UTM community, thank you.

The last few days have been unprecedented in the history of the University of Toronto Mississauga, and indeed, the world. Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to our students, faculty, librarians and staff, all of whom have made rapid and significant changes during this challenging time. The COVID-19 situation evolved quickly in the past week and we have had to take exceptional steps that affect not only our campus, but also our daily personal lives.

We made the extraordinary decision to suspend in-person classes and restrict access to our facilities, asking those who can, to work remotely as we practise social distancing to help protect our friends, family, fellow students, colleagues and ourselves. 

These difficult decisions were guided by recommendations from health experts and all levels of government as we work to slow and limit the spread of COVID-19. Our priority, throughout, has been the continued safety and well-being of our community to which we remain committed.

I recognize the extraordinary effort everyone has put into both executing and adapting to such a large-scale, rapid shift in how we operate. It has been a remarkable undertaking, achieved thanks to the dedication and co-operation of everyone at all levels. What we have accomplished together is no small feat.

To the many members of our campus working tirelessly to ensure the academic year continues and information and resources are being made available--thank you. Your creative, thoughtful and caring approach is deeply valued.

While those in residence have been encouraged to leave to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, I want to stress that residence students who cannot leave due to travel restrictions or have nowhere else to go will still have a home here at UTM. Your health and safety are our priority, and we are here to support you.

This has, understandably, been a very trying time for everyone. It is natural to feel worried and uneasy during times of uncertainty. We ask you to remain understanding and flexible in the coming weeks as this situation continues to unfold.

Remember, you have a community here at UTM that cares and is here to help.

I wish everyone good health as we work through this together.

Best regards,

Ian Orchard
Acting Vice-President & Principal
University of Toronto Mississauga