Historical Studies Undergraduate HBA Programs at UTM
Discover Historical Studies programs:
- Classical Civilization - Major or Minor
- Diaspora & Transnational Studies - Major or Minor
- History - Specialist, Major, or Minor
- History of Religions - Specialist, Major, or Minor
- Latin American & Caribbean Studies - Minor
- South Asian Humanities - Minor
- Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies - Major or Minor
Graduate Programs at U of T
Historical Studies Podcasts

Check out our Alumni Podcast series to listen to interviews that showcase career possibilities, as well as our Alumni Profiles to read about career paths that may be of interest to you post-graduation from our department! You can also listen to Historical Studies faculty interviews on View to the U.

Check out a student-led podcast series, Fish Outta Water, "your unofficial university survival guide!" In this podcast, hosts and UTM students, Harleen and Loridee talk all about the transition into university, overcoming failure, and what it’s like to be thrown into the swirling rapids of undergrad without a life jacket. Learn how to survive these treacherous waters through a mixture of fun stats and stories, alongside never before heard interviews with your favourite professors.