Carolyne Qiang
MSc Student
Dr. Yuhong He, supervisor
Research and Professional Interests
I am interested in harnessing the power of machine learning for the automation of land use land cover classification. This research will facilitate conservation authorities to develop a more systematic, precise and cost-effective method of monitoring and understanding urban landscape dynamics. I am dedicated to creating a more sustainable and habitable urban environment.
Why Geography, Geomatics and Environment at UTM?
I chose to study at the Department of Geography, Geomatics and Environment due to the exceptional professors who have been incredibly supportive and instrumental in shaping my knowledge during my undergraduate studies. Moreover, the fellow students are not only welcoming but also contribute to a strong sense of community.
Honours and Awards
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGC)
- Geography and Planning Entrance Award
- Center for Urban Environment Award (CUE – URA)
- A.P. Sandrasagra Memorial Scholarship
- University of Toronto Excellence Award in Natural Science and Engineering (UTEA – NSE)
- NSERC – USRA Award
- 2023 Carolyne Qiang, Yuhong He, Jonathan Ruppert, Lyndsay Cartwright. Automated Delineation Urban Land Use Land Cover Change Using High-Resolution Images. 44th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Yellowknife, NWT
- 2021 Carolyne Qiang, Yuhong He. Impact of COVID-19-Induced Lockdown on the Urban Thermal Environment of Edmonton. Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division. Western University
- Qiang, C., Leydon, J. & He, Y. Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on the Urban Thermal Environment of Edmonton, Canada. Environmental Management 72, 862–882 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-023-01813-0
HBSc, University of Toronto Mississauga
Research Supervisor / Mentor
Dr. Yuhong He