Abstract Digital Archive
International Research
The UTM Forensic Science program has ties with institutions worldwide, which provides our students the opportunity to travel abroad and conduct research. Below are some examples of where they have completed internships.
Durham, England
Angela Kwok, Forensic Psychology
"The Relationship Between Psychopathic, Borderline, Antisocial Personality Disorder Traits and Sexual Behaviours in Romantic Relationships"
Durham University
Regine Co, Forensic Psychology
"Relationship Between Callous-Unemotional Traits, Resistance to Peer Influence, and Peer Delinquency"
Durham University
Natalie Yurkewich, Forensic Psychology
"Parenting Practices and Exposure to Violence"
Durham University
Cayman Islands
Larissa Johnson, Forensic Psychology
"The Effect of Recidivism in the Cayman Islands"
Royal Cayman Islands Police Service
Cherry Pun, Forensic Biology
"Determining Optimal Wavelengths to Detect Trace Evidence"
Singapore Police Force
Tsoi Yan Yee Jennifer, Forensic Chemistry
"Comparison of Genpin with Ninhydrin for Fingerprint Enhancement"
Singapore Police Force
Hawaii, United States of America
Daniel Altman, Forensic Anthropology
"Diagenesis and the Taphonomic Changes of Buried Bone in a Tropical Environment"
Central Identification Laboratory Joint Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Account Command
Capstone Research in the News
Veronika Peycheva's research contributes to the Annual Review from the Office of the Chief Coroner for OntarioForensic Science student Veronika Peycheva completed an analysis of child deaths for the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario and her research on Paediatric Drug Toxicity was profiled in the 2013 Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee Annual Report. Coroner’s files were examined to conduct a trend analysis of drug toxicity deaths of children and youth during the years 2008-2010. Her findings and recommendations support the need for enhanced education on the risks of prescription drug use, especially among adolescents. The report has received a lot of publicity and interest, and Veronika’s research is currently being considered for publication in a forensic journal. Read the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee Annual Report 2013 here |
Fingerprints and Ferrotrace: Students showcase forensic researchThis year, 16 UTM students presented their findings. The audience included scene of crime officers, scientists, forensic identification officers, and even Robert Ramotowski, Chief Research Scientist of the United States Secret Service. Knaap says Ramotowski was impressed at the high quality of the students’ work. |
Watch out: Halton police have an eye in the skyThe program began as a research project in partnership with the University of Toronto’s forensic sciences program. Banks said a student [Yunhao (Lucy) Wu], through the mentorship program, donated 200 hours of service and did a paper and presentation on the viability of the mini helicopter. |
Forensics students dig into real-world researchWhoever said university life can be boring did not make it to U of T Mississauga's Annual Forensic Science Day (FSD), which was celebrated April 6 in the Matthews Auditorium of the Kaneff Building. |
Horsing around with forensicsWhen people think forensics they usually think of CSI: Miami, not horses. But Hannah Pryce, a student in the forensics program at University of Toronto Mississauga, spent her internship experience within the office of the Toronto Police Service Mounted Unit (TPSMU). Internship courses like this are a unique experiential learning opportunity available at U of T Mississauga. |
Alexandra Johansen
Validation of 3D Photogrammetric Measurements on Human Crania
Canadian Museum of History
Ontario, Canada
Anila Qasim
Skeletal Sex Determination: Radiographic Assessment of the Maxillary Sinuses
University of Toronto, Mississauga
Ontario, Canada
Ou Bai
The Use of 3D Scanning and Comparison Method in the Identification of Shovel Impressions in Soil
Ontario, Canada
Daniel Altman
Diagenesis and the Taphonomic Changes of Buried Bone in a Tropical Environment
Central Identification Laboratory Joint Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Account Command
Hawaii, United States of America
Jessica Lam
The Effect of Soil pH on the Rate of Bone Decomposition
University of Toronto, Mississauga
Ontario, Canada
Stephen Ho
Development of Rapid In-Field Testing for Pathogenic Contamination by Paper Assay
University of Toronto, Mississauga
Ontario, Canada
Jaslynn Wong
Validation of Protocol for Analysis of Cotton Fibre Dyed with Reactive Dyes by Cellulase Digestion and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)
Centre of Forensic Sciences
Ontario, Canada
Niall Crawley
The Construction of a New Database for Vehicle Identification by Chemical Analysis of the Clear Coat Layer of Original Equipment Manufacturer Automotive Paints via Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Centre of Forensic Sciences,
Ontario, Canada
Simon Liu
The Effect of pH on the Clarity of Fingerprints on Cartridge Casings and Subsequent Microscopic Examination
Peel Regional Police,
Ontario, Canada
Mohammed Faynus
3D Bitemark Analysis: Digital Overlay of 3D Dental Casts onto 3D Bite Mark Impressions Using Cloud Compare
Ontario, Canada
Rebecca Lee
The Accuracy of Bloodstain Origin Determination on Multiple Surfaces Using Laser Scanning Technology
Ontario, Canada
Walid Dabbour
The Use of Phadebas Paper to Distinguish Between Expirated and Impact Bloodstain Patterns
Peel Regional Police, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Richard Pang
Determination of The Effectiveness of Gun Bluing, Cyanoacrylate Fuming, and PEDOT Deposition In The Development of Fingerprints on Fired Cartridge Cases
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Tsoi Yan Yee Jennifer
Comparison of Genpin with Ninhydrin for Fingerprint Enhancement
Singapore Police Force
Tara Goel
A Comparison of 1, 2-Indanedione/Zinc Chloride Method to the Hot Print System in Developing Latent Fingerprints on Thermal Paper
University of Toronto, Mississauga
Ontario, Canada
Alfred (Ka-Leong) Chan
Comparison of Reagent Pairs for Use on Bloody Fingerprints on Paper and Glass
RCMP, Forensic Science and Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Shannon Goel
A Comparison between Cyanoacrylate Fuming and Sticky Side Powder Latent Print Fingerprint Development on the Adhesive Side of Duct Tape
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Alyssa Novoselac
A Validation Study of ThermoPrintTM for Developing Latent Fingerprints on Thermal Paper
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Cameron Power
Testing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Collision Scene Documentation and Reconstruction
Halton Regional Police, Forensic Identification Services, Collision Reconstruction Unit Regional Investigation Services
Ontario, Canada
Guanzhi (George) Li
Comparison of 1,8-Diazafluoren-9-one (DFO) and 1,2-Indanedione Zinc Chloride
Sûreté du Québec Headquarters
Québec, Canada
Jacob Bronowicki
Visualization of Sebaceous Fingerprints on Discharged Brass Cartridge Cases
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Jessica Piekny
Decontamination of Tools During Fire Debris Collection
Office of the Ontario Fire Marshal
Ontario, Canada
Kathryn Montgomery
Iron Transfer From the Trigger of a Firearm to the Index Finger
York Regional Police
Ontario, Canada
Monique Johnson
Suspect Height Analysis Using Laser Scanning Technology
Ontario, Canada
Stephanie Ribeiro
Evaluation of CN-Yellow as a One-Step Cyanoacrylate Development Process
Peel Regional Police, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Tamryn Loy Son
Finding a Suitable Replacement for Malachite Green
RCMP "O" Division
Ontario, Canada
Tiffany Tse
Latent Fingerprint Development Technique on Canadian Polymer Banknotes
RCMP "A" Division, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Yan Monette
ADROIT Prototype / CK1 Dye Sublimation vs. 1,2-Indanedione / Zinc Chloride for Thermal Paper
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Yaqoob Jamal
Determining Shotgun Area of Origin Using Shot-spread Patterns
Ontario, Canada
Yvonne Ly
Bloodstain Dating using Reflectance Spectroscopy
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Adrian Chow
Using HemoSpat to Determine the Origin of Shotgun Blast Patterns
Durham Regional Police, 17th Division, Forensic Identification Unit
Ontario, Canada
Cherry Pun
Determining Optimal Wavelengths to Detect Trace Evidence
Singapore Police Force, Forensic Management Branch, Criminal Investigations Department
Deirdre Marley
Alien Technology Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags: Accuracy and Applicability for Evidence Tracking
Centre of Forensic Sciences
Ontario, Canada
Gerald Lee
The Percentage Transfer of Gunshot Residue (GSR)
Centre of Forensic Sciences
Ontario, Canada
Jennifer Hunter
The Use of 360 Degree Capturing Devices in Varying Light
Ontario Provincial Police, Orillia
Ontario, Canada
Kyrene Fabroa
The Effect of Time and Temperature on the Recovery of Salivary DNA from Drinking Cans
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Lara Matiisen
Testing iWitness Photogrammetry Software for Crime Scene Documentation
RCMP, Red Deer, Forensic Identification Services
Alberta, Canada
Maya Beidoun
A Validation Study of Zar-Pro Fluorescent Blood Lifting Strips
Toronto Police Service, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Nashad Hakim
Calculating Area of Origin of Blood Spatter Using Laser Scanning Technology
Ontario, Canada
Nina Harnarine
The Factors Affecting the ESDA-2 (Electrostatic Detection Apparatus) when Visualizing Indented Writing
York Regional Police
Ontario, Canada
Priscilla Yuen
Determination of Bloodstain Origin for a 90° Drop
Ontario, Canada
Wai Wan Vivian Tam
Comparison of Two Carrier Solvents, HFE-7100 (HFE) and HFC-43-10mee (Identi-sol), for Ninhydrin
RCMP "O" Division, Forensic Identification Services
Ontario, Canada
Andrew Mazurek
Review of Workplace-Related Fatalities in the Hamilton Area, 2003-2013
Hamilton Regional Forensic Pathology Unit
Ontario, Canada
Sabrina Moffat
The Use of 3D Scanning Documentation in Post Mortem External Examinations
Ontario, Canada
Danielle Marvin
Factors Affecting Pollutant Origin Determination at the Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of the Environment
Ontario, Canada
Gabrielle Lee-Inniss
A Retrospective Study of Traumatic Brain Injuries from 2006-2011
Hamilton Regional Pathology Unit
Ontario, Canada
Meera Johannah Bissram
Validation of a Simultaneous LIquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) Method for the Detection and Quantification of Six Opiate/Opioid Drugs in Hair
Provincial Toxicology Centre
British Columbia, Canada
Veronika Peycheva
Trend Analysis of Pediatric Drug Toxicity Deaths in Ontario from 2008-2010
Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario
Ontario, Canada
Andrea Zumrova
Positional Asphyxia Patterns in Adults Aged 16 and over in Ontario from 2000-2009
Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario
Ontario, Canada
Kyla Jorgenson
A Descriptive Study of Homicide in Ontario of Children Ages 0 to 19
Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario
Ontario, Canada
Melanie Markovic
Retrospective Analysis of Oxycodone and Cocaine Related Deaths for Southwestern Ontario, 2003-2010
Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton Regional Pathology Unit
Ontario, Canada
Sharon Ling
Trend Analysis on Drug-Related Deaths in Nova Scotia - A Study on Prescription and Illicit Drugs
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Nova Scotia, Canada
Regine Co
Relationship Between Callous-Unemotional Traits, Resistance to Peer Influence, and Peer Delinquency
University of Durham
Durham, United Kingdom
Natalie Yurkewich
Parenting Practices and Exposure to Violence
University of Durham
Durham, United Kingdom
Olga Gorska
Variables, Outcomes and Risk Communication in Forensic Psychiatric Patients
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
Ontario, Canada
Angela Kwok
The Relationship between Psychopathic, Borderline, Antisocial Personality Disorder Traits and Sexual Behaviours in Romantic Relationships
Durham University, Department of Psychology
Durham, United Kingdom
Larissa Johnson
The Effect of Sentence on Recidivism in the Cayman Islands
Royal Cayman Islands Police Service
Cayman Islands
Nicole Misura
Verbal Expression of Embarassment in Individuals with Psychopathic Traits
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
Ontario, Canada
Rahul Gandotra
Assessment of the Toronto Mental Health Court - Courtroom 102 Diversion Court in Providing Client Satisfaction
Ontario Court of Justice
Ontario, Canada