Head Start

Three students sitting outside smiling with notebooks

Register Here

The RGASC's Head Start program is designed to introduce incoming UTM students to the academic environment, expectations, skills, and resources they can expect to encounter in their first year on campus. 

Free sessions feature senior student panels, first year faculty, RGASC learning strategists, and campus partners on topics related to how to manage the transition from high school to university successfully. 

Head Start is part of UTM's orientation programming. Head Start 2024 sessions will take place August 20- August 22, 2024 (on Week 11 of the EagleConnect program).

  • Day 1 (Tuesday, August 20) will be held in CCT1080 (with online streaming options)
  • Day 2 (Wednesday, August 21) will be held online
  • Day 3 (Thursday, August 22) will be held in CCT1080 (with online streaming options)

Why Attend Head Start

  • Discover what is expected of first-year students as active learners in the academic community at UTM
  • Identify learning strategies and academic skills that you can develop to enhance your academic confidence and performance
  • Distinguish key campus resources that will support your learning and development through your first year to graduation


To participate, register using this form, before August 17, 2024. Next, join EagleConnect. You will be able to access Head Start asynchronous content and access live in-person and hybrid sessions.

Head Start Sessions

The 2024 Head Start schedule will be made available in early August. The following sessions are planned:

  • Creativity, Collaboration, and Problem Solving
  • Writing for University and beyond
  • Note-taking Strategies for University
  • Deep Reading for Deep Learning
  • Understanding Academic Integrity at UTM
  • Study Skills and Study Groups
  • Meet First Year faculty
  • Succeeding with Math
  • Library 101
  • Navigating UTM Tools for Academic Success
  • Test Success Strategies
  • First Year Math 101
  • Time Management and Study Planning
  • Understanding Generative AI at the University Level


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