Missed Tests & Late Assignments


NEW!  Special Consideration Requests for all UTM SOC courses are now submitted here:



To request an assignment extension or make-up test, you must complete both required steps within three days (including weekends and holidays) of the missed assignment deadline/test:  1) Submit the Special Consideration Request online form, AND 2) Either declare your absence on ACORN (once per term), OR upload supporting documentation with your online form.  Please review your course syllabus and the information below for further details.


  • Click here to learn more about use of the ACORN Absence Declaration Tool.  


  • Within 3 days (including weekends and holidays) of the test date or assignment due date, submit a Special Consideration Request here. Unless you have declared the absence on ACORN (see above), you must submit appropriate documentation within 3 days of the test/assignment due date via upload within the Special Consideration Request online form. Retain the original copy in case you are asked to present it later.


  • Documentation is usually the U of T Verification of Illness or Injury form or the UTM Verification of Extenuating Circumstance(s) form. If you have an alternative form of documentation, we will assess on a case-by-case basis. If this applies to you, follow the steps above in order to initiate the academic consideration process.


  • If you are a student registered with Accessibility Services and you missed a test for disability-related reasons, please take the steps described above. You will not be required to submit documentation. Your Accessibility Advisor may be in contact with the department regarding support for your request.


  • If you are a student registered with Accessibility Services and you anticipate missing an assignment due date and your accommodation letter includes extension of time, you should email your instructor in advance of the due date to seek an extension. Do not submit a special consideration request, nor should you declare your absence on ACORN. You are not required to submit additional documentation. If you are seeking an extension beyond what is indicated in your letter of accommodation, please email your Accessibility advisor and not your instructor.


  • What to expect when you submit a special consideration request: The department (not the instructor) will inform you in a timely manner of the decision on your special consideration request, via email. Though you can submit a Special Consideration Request at any time, we review these requests during business hours, excluding weekends and holidays. If you missed a test, be aware that you must be prepared for a make-up at any point after your original missed test. If you missed an assignment due date, do not wait for the outcome of your Special Consideration Request before resuming work on your assignment; you must submit your assignment as per the assignment guidelines as soon as you are able to do so.


  • If your Special Consideration Request is approved, you must follow the instructions outlined in that email immediately. If you do not comply with the above instructions and timelines or if your request is considered unacceptable, your request will be denied. If your request is approved but you do not follow those instructions or your instructor’s instructions, you will receive a grade of zero for the original missed assessment.


  • In all cases, the department reviews Special Consideration Requests carefully and approval is not guaranteed. If there is a concern, your request may be refused and/or you may be asked to meet with the Associate Chair. The same is true if you have multiple Special Consideration Requests (excluding for students registered with Accessibility Services).


  • An instructor may opt to make an assessment exempt from use of the ACORN Absence Declaration option; this would be specifically indicated in the course syllabus.  Supporting documentation would need to be submitted in these instances. 


  • Note that some assessments (such as small weekly assignments worth a very small portion of a student’s course mark) are generally not eligible for Special Consideration Requests or late submission. Please confirm with your instructor.


  • False statements and/or documentation will be treated as academic offences.


Questions? Contact us at socscr.utm@utoronto.ca.