UTM Filmmaker-in-residence Pimpaka Towira to Host Screenings and a Workshop

Pimpaka Towira – the current UTM filmmaker-in-residence – is coming to campus to present some of her work and to lead a workshop! Towira is both a filmmaker and a programmer who has been an important figure in the Thai film scene since the early 1990s. Her films, which have received international acclaim, range from feature length pictures (One Night Husband, The Island Funeral) to experimental and documentary shorts. As the UTM filmmaker-in-residence this term, she will be present for some exciting upcoming film events.
On Tuesday March 28th from 7:00-9:30 she will introduce and host a Q&A on her film The Island Funeral (2015). This screening will take place at Innis Town Hall at the UTSG campus. Register at https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/event/film-screening-island-funeral-directed-pimpaka-towira
On Wednesday March 29th A collection of Towira’s shorts will be played and she will be present for an introduction and a Q&A. This screening will take place in MN3100 at the Mississauga Campus. To attend the UTM events, please RSVP to e.wijaya@utoronto.ca
Finally, on Friday March 31st from 3:00-5:00pm she will host a workshop on Deep South Young Filmmakers. The workshop will take place in DVS3214 at the Mississauga campus. To attend the UTM events, please RSVP to e.wijaya@utoronto.ca